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lucid dreams                 


Steps to Improving Lucid Dreaming

1. First and foremost, you need to be able to recall your dreams and make a habit of journaling your dreams. In doing so, you familiarize yourself with your dream style, mood, and quality. Eventually, you learn to recognize that you are dreaming.

2. Throughout the day, while you are awake, ask yourself, "Is this a dream?" anytime something odd happens or even when nothing out of the ordinary happens. The trick is not to answer the question with an immediate "Of course I am not dreaming!".  Come up with a consistent way to check if you are awake or asleep. For example, checking the time on a clock and then quickly check it again. If you are dreaming, the time will always dramatically change at 

the second glance. Or, if you are reading something, look away and then read it again. Again, if you dreaming, whatever you are reading will be completely different when you look at it the second time.  As you keep asking yourself this question during the day, the question will become second nature. Eventually, you will automatically ask the question in your dreams. When you do your check to see if you are awake or asleep, you are well on your way to lucidity.

3. Utilize a counting method to enter lucidity. As you are laying down to go to sleep, start counting. One, I am dreaming. Two, I am dreaming. Three, I am dreaming.  At some point, you will say, fifty-one, I am dreaming, and by then you are really dreaming. 

4. Identify your dream signals. These are objects, images or actions in your dream that serve as cues or markers to let you know that you are dreaming.  Anything can be a dream signal and is unique to each individual dreamer.  It may help to read through your dream journal and select an image that constantly appears in your dreams. By selecting a recurring image, then it has a better chance of appearing in your future dreams. When you are ready for bed, tell yourself that "when I see an apple, then I know I am dreaming." or whatever dream signal you have chosen. 

5. Use your dream signs to let you know that you are dreaming. When an anomaly or something impossible occurs in your dream, do not ignore it or try to rationalize it. Let this odd occurrence be an indicator that you are dreaming. Some common dream signs include flying, walking through walls or the appearance of someone who is dead in real life.  

6. Finally, encourage your lucid dreams, but do not force them, as your efforts may have an opposite effect. You may use the above techniques in conjunction with one another. Tell  yourself that you will have a lucid dream tonight. It is important to relax and be patient.

As you improve your lucid dreaming, you can even learn to "write" your own dream scripts.  Your sense of smell and touch will become heightened. Before going to bed, tell yourself what you want to dream and what area you want to explore.

Get the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming!



Type Of Dreams


Epic Dreams

False Awakening Dreams

Healing Dreams

Lucid Dreams


Mutual Dreams


Progressive Dreams

Prophetic Dreams

Recurring Dreams

Signal Dreams


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Last Updated: December 3, 2013
