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To dream that you are wearing a mask suggests that you are trying to be someone you are not. You are trying to hide your true feelings and only reveal half truths. If you have trouble taking off your mask, then it suggests that your true self is lost or blurred. Alternatively, wearing a mask signifies temporary trouble due to some misunderstanding of your action and conduct. 

To see someone wearing a mask in your dream denotes that you are struggling against deceit, falsehood, and jealousy. If someone removes their mask, then it symbolizes failure in gaining the admiration and/or respect of someone sought for.


To dream about masochism suggests your need to experience and feel things at an extreme level. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are sacrificing yourself. You feel that you have to suffer for your past mistakes. 


To dream that you are a mason signifies a rise in your current circumstances. You will experience a more satisfying social surrounding.


To dream that you are at a masquerade ball suggests that you are trying to escape from the demands of real life. You may be overindulging in sinful or foolish pursuits. It is time to acknowledge your responsibilities. 


To dream that you are at mass represents your sense of community. You approach life with the consideration of those around you in mind.


To witness a massacre in your dream suggests that you are a follower. You tend to go along with the ideas of others without question and hesitation.


To dream that you are getting a massage suggests that you are lacking sensual or sexual stimulation in your waking life. You need to be more in touch with your sensuality. Perhaps you need to take better care of your body. The dream also represents nurturance ease and comfort. Alternatively, getting a massage suggests that you need to let go and stop being so defensive.  

To dream that you are giving a massage to someone means that you are trying to persuade someone toward your side or your point of view. 


To see the mast of a ship in your dream signifies a long and pleasant journey. Alternatively, it represents hope and salvation. If the mast is from a wrecked ship, then it denotes sudden changes in a situation.


To dream that you have a mastectomy indicates your lack of sensitivity. You are feeling disconnected from those around you. From a positive perspective, this dream signifies your independence and autonomy. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, then this dream represents fear and worry. You feel you are loosing your femininity. 


To dream that you have a master denotes feelings of inadequacy and a lack of discipline in your life. You need a strong-willed leader to guide you. 

To dream that you are a master suggests that there is some situation or problem that you need to "master" and get a handle on. Alternatively, it means you need to take on a leadership role.


To dream that you are masturbating represents your unacknowledged and unexpressed sexual needs/desires. It may also indicate you need to take care of yourself in sensual or emotional ways which are not necessarily sexual. Or perhaps, you may need to put forth a little more effort toward some relationship.

To see others masturbating in your dreams denotes your anxieties and concerns about your inhibitions. It may also be a reflection that something in your waking life is not as satisfying as it could be. Keep in mind that this dream may not necessarily represent sexual inhibitions or satisfaction, but  may be analogous to some situation or relationship.


To see a mat in your dream suggests that you feel others are walking all over you. You feel being taken advantage of. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on someone who is named Matt in your life.


To see or dream that you are a matador suggests that you need to challenge yourself and prepare for the obstacles ahead. Work on your bravery.


To see or strike a match in your dream suggests that there is something that you need to ignite and rekindle in your life. The dream maybe a pun on something or someone who is your match.


To see or use a matchmaker in your dream indicates your openness to new experiences. More directly, the dream is about your love life and the pressure to find someone to spend your life with.

To dream that you are a matchmaker suggests that you need to stop meddling in other people's personal lives. 


To dream about mathematics indicate that you are evaluating a situation in your waking life where  you need to be more rational in your thinking. Try not to act on your emotions.

To dream that you are unable to solve a mathematical problem or equation parallels a waking problem where you may be confused about. The dream may offer a hint toward a new approach to this waking problem. Something does not add up in your life.

Matryoshka Doll

To see a Matryoshka Doll in your dream refers to the many inner components of your persona. There are many layers to your personality that you need to get through in order to unveil what is truly underneath. Perhaps you feel that no one knows the real you or that no one has taken the time to discover all the different sides of you. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for some revelation.


To see a mattress in your dream represents your support system. Alternatively, the dream means that you have new responsibilities and duties that will require your time and attention.

To dream that you are sleeping on a new mattress refers to your present stage of life.


To see or dream that you are in a mausoleum represents calmness. You are finally at peace about something.

Maxi Pad

To see a maxi pad in your dream indicates that you need to release some pent up anger or tension. It may also mean that some creative energy is being released or recognized. If you see Always Maxi Pads in your dream, then the dream may be telling you "always" is the answer to some question or comment. 


To dream of the month of May signifies prosperity and times of pleasure. The dream may also be a metaphor for "may I?" Perhaps you are seeking permission for something.


To see a mayor in your dream indicates your need for guidance, especially from a higher source.


To see or eat mayonnaise in your dream represents disappointment in your waking life. It also suggests that you are being insulted or disrespected.

Maypole Dance

To see or participate in a maypole dance indicates that you are celebrating an end to your old ways and welcoming in a new beginning. Alternatively, it signifies male sexuality and fertility. The dream could indicate your easy going attitude toward sex.


To dream that you are in a maze denotes that you need to deal with a waking task on a more direct level. You are making the situation harder than it really is. Alternatively, the maze symbolizes life's twists and turns. It represents indecision, confusion, missteps, feeling lost or being misled. 


To see or dream that you are at McDonalds signifies happiness and a worry-free attitude. The dream also suggests that you are living large. Perhaps the dream is telling you to expand your thinking or horizons. Supersize it! Alternatively, if you do not like McDonalds, then the dream may be indicative of something in your life that is unhealthy. More directly, the dream may just mean you are hungry.


To see a meadow in your dream represents openness and security.  You are taking time out to appreciate your accomplishments.


To see meadowlark in your dream indicates your cheerful disposition and outlook on life.  You make the best out of every situation.


To see meals in your dream suggest that you are dwelling too much on trivial matters, causing your attention to be diverted from important issues. Alternatively, you may be lacking spiritual enrichment and sensual expression.

*See Also Eating.


To see mealworms in your dream indicates that you are hungering for a new experience.


To dream that someone is being mean to you suggests that you are being too hard on yourself. You need to give yourself a break. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are looking for "meaning" or significance to some life issue. 

To dream that you are uncharacteristically mean to someone represents some negative feelings that you are not expressing in your waking life. Instead they are manifesting in your dream where you are more comfortable in expressing how you really feel. Dreams provide a safe outlet.


To dream that you have measles indicate that your problems and worrying are affecting your educational or professional pursuits.

To see others with measles in your dream denotes that the problems of others are becoming your own problems. It is giving you much stress and worry. 


To see or dream about your measurements indicate that you are setting standards for yourself or of what you think others expect of you. How are you measuring up? Perhaps you need to stop comparing yourself to others.

Measuring Tape

To see or use a measuring tape in your dream suggests that you are comparing yourself to others. The dream may be a metaphor on how you "measure up" to others. Or  you are taking certain measures in order to accomplish something. Perhaps you are experiencing some self-doubt or that you are not good enough. 


To see raw meat in your dream represents obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. Alternatively, it may reflect your untamed, animalistic nature and raw emotions.

To eat or cook meat in your dream suggests that you are getting to the heart of the matter. You are recognizing and utilizing your instinctual energies. Alternatively, you are seeing others achieve what you are still striving for.

To see rotten meat in your dream refers to a degradation of your physical and psychological being.  The dream may be a metaphor for some health problems.

If eating horsemeat is not accepted in your culture, then the dream refers to a situation where you do not want to know details about. If you enjoy eating horsemeat, then it implies that you are open to difference experiences. If eating horsemeat is culturally accepted for you, then the dream has the same significance as eating meat.


To make meatballs in your dream indicate that a new idea is forming or a new project is taking shape. 

To see or eat meatballs in your dream represent familiarity, ease, and comfort. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on an awkward, dull or socially inept person. 


To see a mechanic in your dream suggests that you need to work on healing your past hurts and trauma.

Mechanical Bull

To see or ride a mechanical bull in your dream is analogous to your sex life. Perhaps it has become routine or devoid of emotion and passion. 


To see a medal in your dream signifies a reward or an acknowledgement of your hard work. You are being recognized for your abilities and talents.


*Please See Press.


To dream that you are taking medicine represents a period of emotional and/or spiritual healing. It also indicates that the troubles you are experiencing are only temporary. Things will work out in the long run.

To dream that you are giving medicine to someone indicates that you are trying to take advantage of a situation or of someone.  If you are given the wrong medication, then you are being manipulated. Someone is trying to take advantage of you. 

Medicine Cabinet

To see your medicine cabinet in your dream represents a period of healing.

To dream that the medicine cabinet is empty suggests concerns over your well-being. You are neglecting your emotional, mental and/or spiritual health. 

Medicine Man

To see a traditional medicine man in your dream refers to your strong support system. You have friends and family who will help you to achieve to highest goals.


To dream of Medieval times represents old habits/attitudes and old ways of thinking. It is important to analyze the activities that occur in the dream, so that you can figure out what aspect of yourself or your life needs updating. For example, jousting refers to your need to spice up your sex life.


To dream that you are meditating represents self-acceptance and enlightenment. It also suggests that you need to be less judgmental on others and not be so hard on yourself.


To dream that you are a medium indicates that you are getting in touch with your intuitive side. You are more sensitive to your instincts and in how your perceive things. It also suggests increased knowledge of your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are standing in middle ground. You are non-committal about a situation. Perhaps you are being too indecisive.


To see Medusa in your dream signifies cunningness and terror. Alternatively, the dream may imply that you are draining all the energy out of others. You are burdening others with your problems and putting a strain on the relationship.


To see a meerkat in your dream suggests that you are  protected against some negativity in your life.


To dream that you are in a meeting suggests that you need to redirect your energies toward a more productive endeavor. Alternatively, the dream means that you are learning to accept various aspects of yourself and integrating them into your personality.

To dream that you are late or miss a meeting signifies anxieties that you are not measuring when it comes to achieving your goals. You may unprepared in some situation or challenge in your waking life.


To dream that you are using a megaphone indicates that you need to be more vocal and expressive about your feelings. Speak up and express yourself. Perhaps you feel that you are being overlooked and feel that your voice is not being heard.


To dream that you are feeling melancholy signifies disappointments. You have to remember that you cannot always win at everything. All you can do is learn from past disappointments. The dream may be a reflection of how you are feeling in your waking life. 

To see someone who is melancholy in your dream represents your inability to connect with others.  You are feeling withdrawn and distant.


To see or eat a melon in your dream indicates that you need to relax and take it easy. Alternatively, the dream signifies fertility, sensuality, gluttony or vitality. Melons may also be a metaphor for breasts.


To see melting ice or snow signifies that you are letting go or releasing negative and cold emotions that you have been holding onto. You are warming up to a situation.


To dream that you are reading or making a memoranda suggests that there is an important message that you need to convey. There is something that you need to let others know.

To see someone make a memorandum in your dream indicates that you will be called upon to for some assistance in a matter.


To see a memorial in your dream indicates the need for kindness and compassion. The dream may also suggests that you need to confront the past in order to move forward.


To dream about a memory suggests that you are ready to rid yourself of your old ways and undergo a transformation. You are ready for a new outlook in life. Recalling a memory in your dream may also be less of a shock then if you had recalled the memory in your waken state. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you have learned from your past experiences.

To dream that your memory is getting or has been erased means that you must let go of the past in order to move forward with your life. You are stuck in an unhealthy cycle.

Memory Stick

To see a memory stick in your dream refers to ideas and advices that you need to look at incorporating into a waking situation or some aspect of your life. The dream also indicates your ability to easily convey your feelings, beliefs or ideas to others. Consider what kind of files are on the memory stick.


To see men in your dream represent an authoritative figure or a father figure. If you are a woman and dream that you are in a room full of men, then it highlights the masculine aspect of yourself. The dream forces you to acknowledge your authoritative and aggressive side.  Consider also how the men are dressed as this will provide a clue as to what area in your life you need to assert more power. 

If you are a man and dream that there are only men at a party suggests that you are questioning your abilities. You fear that you are being overlooked or not measuring up to others. Or perhaps you are also expressing desires of blending in and not standing out.

*Please Also See  Man.


To dream that you are at a menagerie symbolizes problems that need to be dealt with more directly. Otherwise, your problems will multiply exponentially.


To see mendicants in your dream signify interruptions in your plans.


To dream that you are mending a garment symbolizes your attempts and efforts at fixing a problem.


To dream about menopause suggests that you are smothering the people around you. You need to be less codependent.


To see a Menorah in your dream represents the seven days of the week. It is also symbolic of the sun, the moon, and the five main planets. Alternatively, it symbolizes beauty, strength, and wisdom. This dream imagery may also be a reflection of your religious faith.


To dream of menstruation indicates that you are releasing your pent-up tension and worry. It signals an end to the difficult times and the beginning of relaxation. Some creative energy is being released or recognized. Alternatively, the dream means that you are denying your feminine side. 

If you are in menopause and dream that you are menstruating, then the dream signifies renewed vitality.

In particular, dreaming of their menstrual cycle when it is not time yet may indicate your anxiety about your cycle. It may sometimes signal an early or unexpected period. Studies have also shown that more vivid dreams seem to coincide with a woman's menstrual cycle. Dreams about being pregnant, giving birth, or motherhood  occur more often while a woman is ovulating. If you are pregnant and dream that you have your period, then it is a reminder that you need to take things slow. 

To dream that you are consuming menstrual blood suggests that you are stuck in a cycle. You are holding on to the past and refusing to move onto something productive.

**See The Meaning In Action: "Menstruation"

Mental Institution

To dream that you are in a mental institution indicates a need for rest and a need to reset your mind. Don't be afraid to ask for help/assistance when you need it.

To dream that you are outside a mental institution suggests that you are feeling ostracized or shunned. You may be close to a mental breakdown. Or you are feeling left out, excluded, and ignored.

Mentally Challenged

To dream that you are mentally challenged indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt. You are afraid of being left out or left behind.

To see a mentally challenged person in your dream suggests that someone around you is feeling ignored or overlooked. Perhaps you have failed to listen to what they have to say and as a result are alienating them.


*Please See Teacher.


To hear meowing in your dream signifies neediness. You are seeking attention.


To see a menu in your dream indicates that you are seeking some spiritual or emotional nourishment. Consider the type of items that were on the menu and the costs  to determine how much value you are placing on each item.

Mercedes Benz

To see Mercedes Benz in your dream symbolizes status, wealth, luxury and prestige. The dream could also be a metaphor for someone who is named Mercedes.


To see mercury in your dream represents quick movement. You need to speak up first and think it through later. Trust your intuition.

To see the planet Mercury in your dream symbolizes alertness, awareness, open communication, reason, and versatility. The dream may indicate your need to exhibit some of these qualities in your waking life. You are exhibiting efficiency in your work.


To see a mermaid in your dream signifies the female aspect of yourself that is mysterious, vulnerable and secretive. It may also show a fear of sex. In particular, for a man to dream of a mermaid indicates that he is having fears of being drowned by the feminine aspect of his psyche. For a woman, it suggests doubts over her femininity.

To dream about a shelled necklace with the word "mermaid" etched on it indicates that you are not letting your vulnerabilities show through. You are putting on a tough facade. Alternatively, the mermaid may symbolize something very personal to you.


To see a merman in your dream indicates a need to belong and to be part of something. Alternatively, a merman represents some message from your subconscious.


To dream that you are merry reflects your waking happiness. Alternatively, the dream may be a compensatory dream and is often a dream of the contrary. You may be trying to compensate for the sadness or stress in your waking life. Being merry may also be a pun on "marriage". by DreamMoods.com


To dream that you are on a merry-go-round indicates a fear of reliving your childhood. You feel that you are going nowhere or in a state of stagnation. Or you may be expressing some anxiety about your transition into adulthood. Alternatively, it suggests that you are in the beginning stages of romantic love.

To see a merry-go-round in your dream represents childish joy.


To see something made of mesh in your dream suggests that you are feeling trapped. It is synonymous with a web. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun and your ability to "mesh" various aspects of your life together.     


To see a mess in your dream symbolizes the state of your waking life. You need to get your life in order. 

Mess Hall

To dream that you are in a mess hall suggests that have a disciplined view toward food. Perhaps you are on a diet. Alternatively, there are some issues or feelings that are eating up inside you.


To dream that you are sending a message suggests that there is an important message that you need to convey and let others know.

To dream that you are receiving a message represents a message from your subconscious.

*Please see also Letter.


To see metal in your dream signifies strength and character. It may also symbolize the inhumane side of society. Consider the exact type and shape of metal and what you are doing with it. In particular, if the metal is solid, then it represents your libido and sexual desire.

Metal Detector

To see or use a metal detector in your dream indicates that you are in search of your inner strength or are trying to connect with your subconscious. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are looking for that hidden talent and potential within yourself. You want to recapture something that you have lost, but once valued or cherished.


To see or dream that you are a metalhead refers to your defiant and non-conformist attitude. You are feeling out of touch with society. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are being "hard headed" or stubborn.


To see or listen to Metallica in your dream represents your independent nature and your tendency to reflect on your thoughts alone. Alternatively, the dream may be trying to convey a message or some advice from one of their songs.


To see a metamorphosis take place in your dream denotes sudden and rapid changes in your personal life. The metamorphosis helps to draw attention to two different aspects of your life. If the metamorphosis is a smooth one, then it indicates some changes are necessary for you to adapt to a new situation. However, if the metamorphosis is a complicated and unpleasant one, then it suggests that you are ill prepared  for the changes in your life.


To see a meteor in your dream suggests that you will experience success in a project. You are on your way toward realizing your goals and desires. Alternatively, the meteor refers to wishful thinking and idealistic thoughts.   

To see a meteor shower in your dream signifies romantic thoughts  and idealistic notions.


To dream of Mexico or of a Mexican person represents the preservation of tradition, family, faith and culture. It also refers to a  hard-working mindset. If you are from Mexico or have been to Mexico, then the dream may have a more personal symbolism for you. Consider your own feelings about the country.


To dream that you are on the mezzanine represents your middle class status. You have your sights on the upper echelon of society and are yearning to move ahead.


To see mice in your dream indicates that you are spending too much time dwelling on minor problems and insignificant matters.

To see mice feeding or eating in your dream suggests that someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence. Someone may be nipping away at your resources.

*Please Also See Mouse.



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Last Updated: June 2, 2014