flyingintro|"I'm Flying"|Flying dreams fall under a category of dreams known as lucid dreams. Lucid dreams occur when you become aware that you are dreaming. Many dreamers describe the ability to fly in their dreams as an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating experience.
If you are flying with ease and are enjoying the scene and landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a situation. You have risen above something. It may also mean that you have gained a new and different perspective on things. Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power.
Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances. You may be struggling to stay aloft or stay on set course. Things like power lines, trees, or mountains may be obstacles that you encounter in flight. These obstacles symbolize something or someone who is standing in your way in your waking life. You need to identify what or who is trying to prevent you from moving forward. Difficulty flying may also be an indication of a lack of confidence or some hesitation on your part. You need to believe in yourself and not be afraid.
If you are feeling fear when you are flying or that you are flying too high, then it suggests that you are afraid of challenges and of success. Perhaps you are not ready to take the next step.
In reality, we cannot really fly, of course. Thus, such dreams can be representative of things that are beyond your physical limitations. In your mind, you can be anybody and do anything. Another way of interpreting flying dreams is that these dreams symbolize your strong mind and will. You feel undefeatable and that nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. Such dreams are sure to leave you with a great sense of freedom.
flyingdream1|Exhilarated Flying|Hi! This is the first time ever I've had a flying dream that was exhilarating and euphoric. My dreams of flying was usually being chased by someone wishing to harm me. My dream of exhilarated flying was caused by a steady wind-stream flowing around a forest of very tall trees and the trees had the sweetest luscious fruit colored medium golden, large reds, and small green. I flew because I was picking the fruit for the women that were on the ground. I was aware that there were snakes in the forest but I never saw any. I sometimes flew over fences to reach the fruit on overhanging boughs. When I looked at the trees they seem to go as far as the eyes can see. I remember wanting to land but didn't know how. Landing was exactly easy. I grasped the boughs of trees for assistance. A woman and daughter came to assist me. The other women on the ground didn't seem to believe that I could not land because I seem to fly so easily. These women began to ignore me as if they were envious because they could not fly. That saddened me because I was picking the fruit for them.
Miria B.
August 4, 2000|
Dear Miria,
You mentioned how this was the first time you ever had a flying dream that was exhilarating. It would be interesting to note what was going on in your waking life when you had those negative experiences in your past flying dreams. They could parallel a situation in your life where somebody was working to keep you down or it may have stem from your own anxieties about achieving your goals and maintaining your level of success. It is quite obvious now that you now have gained a new sense of personal power as your recent flying dream suggests. You have overcame some major obstacles in your life as you fly effortlessly over the fences in your dream. A feeling of freedom comes over you as you are liberated from what was troubling you before. Your ease of flying signifies that you have reached a place in your life where you are feeling confident and secure, perhaps even a little too over-confident. You mentioned how a few women had been jealous of your flying ability. Perhaps you may have been a little show-offy about your flight. Or perhaps they resented your unique achievement and felt that you were rubbing your success in their face.
Your difficulty in landing is telling of your fears of losing that power you hold. There is still a part of yourself that believes that your success may not last long.
It's also very interesting how you were aware of snakes in the forest, but you didn't see them. This could be a reference to your previous flying dreams of being chased. A "snake" is often used to describe a treacherous or ruthless person. Although you had acknowledged their presence in your dream, you showed no fear or worry. You have overcame something and this maybe why they are not chasing you anymore. You may want to ask yourself who was chasing you before. Would you describe that person as a snake?
Your dreams is a place where many puns come into play. You are picking fruits. This could very well mean the "fruits of your labor". In particular, your dream suggest that the "fruits of your labor" is not being appreciated. You feel that you've worked hard and demand recognition. You find that success and a position at the top can sometimes alienate people.
Best Regards,
flyingdream2|I Can Fly And I'm Not Crazy!|HELLO. I've had this dream twice now where that I can fly; I mean no wings. I am able to lift off the ground at will, but with a very concentrated effort and strength. I also have horse, but I do not know the color or what he looks like. Also, I personally own a little Chihuahua and in my dream, he is also with me. But, not my husband.
The only other thing that I can say is some strange people are trying to have me put in an institution because they think I am crazy since I tell them I can fly. They never believe me, I never see the their faces. I fly to the tops of mountains, and to cities in Europe (which I always wanted to visit). Can you interpret this for me? Thank you.
September 10, 2000||Hi
Flying dreams typically illustrate your sense of freedom and feeling liberated from the constraints of everyday life. It sounds like you have just accomplished some project and feel like a big burden has been lifted off your shoulders. You described that much concentration and effort goes into your ability to your flying. This may parallel the similar efforts you had invested into this successful project. The mountain you fly over further reiterates your success and how you are on top of things. Flying over Europe (a place you always wanted to visit) suggests a well deserved reward for your hard work.
The animals in your dream are very telling of the qualities you still adhere to and maintain even though you have achieved an increased level of success. The horse is symbolic of your values and integrity. It also represents the power you currently have. Your dog is symbolic of your instinctual nature and loyalty. Although you may be flying high above the sky, you still remain loyal to those you leave behind.
Flying dreams are so glorious and liberating that you may not want to come back down to earth. You mention that you have had this dream twice now and may be on some endorphine or mental high. The people who want to institutionalized may be attempting to bring you back down to reality. You may be expressing yourself more freely and have been saying what is on your mind, but sometimes it may be wise to show some restraint and hold back.
Best Regards,
flyingdream3|Hard Landing|I am 29 years old and ever since I can remember I have had the same dream over and over in almost the same fashion.
When I was younger I would dream that I was flying over the earth with a bright rope tied to my waist. Then for no reason the rope would break and I started flying away from the earth. I got scared and grabbed the bright rope and pulled myself back toward the earth.
But now as I am older I find myself running in my dreams and when I jump I start flying high up into the air. Then I start falling back down to the earth. This will happen a couple times in my dream until I get so scared because I know it will hurt when I hit the ground. It seems so real. My heart is racing and I hurt when I am falling back down to the earth. I am so scared I wake myself up and my heart is racing and I am almost in tears. Why is this happening to me and what does this mean? Please help me understand what this is meaning and is this some sort of a sign?
Thank You,
October 29, 2000||Hi Jennifer,
Your past dreams of flying seems to suggest fears of letting go and exploring the world on your own. This may stem from an overprotective or sheltered upbringing.
Jumping in dreams represents risks and challenges. It is accompanied by feelings of excitement as you jump up and then anxiety as you fall back down to the earth. This may parallel a new situation in your waking life in which you are feeling both excitement and anxiety. You may be facing an obstacle in which you are not sure how to approach. It seems that you are uncomfortable with being in the air (as also shown in your dreams when you were younger). This may have to do with issues of independence and fear of failure. You feel out of control. Sometimes you need to break free and take a chance.
What your dream may also be telling you is the literal ups and downs of your life and the hurdles that you need to jump over. Even if you don't land on your feet, you need to get up and try again.
Best Regards,