dreamid|dreamtitle|para1|para2|para3|para4|para5|para6|para7|para8|para9 lizarddream1|I'm A Lizard!|Gosh I am so glad I found this site! I have a recurring dream......had it for years....I am a lizard ... salamander....something very green. I feel the ground and floor beneath my body, especially my belly. The most vivid part of this dream is that I can see and feel my hands (which are claws) grasping the grass (which is very cool to the touch). I can feel myself pulling harder and faster with each grasp....I feel fear and want to move faster, but can't move any faster....I am in awe as I move this fast...

And that is it! LOL

Thanks Again!

|Dear Annie,

Thank you for sharing your dream with us!

It sounds like you found your dream as a lizard to be a very liberating and freeing experience. Many people would be disturbed if they had turned into a lizard, but you on the other hand, seem to take full advantage of your lizard ability in crawling though the grass as fast as you can. Your dream seems to symbolize your sense of adventure, your love of nature and your resourcefulness. Even though you may be a thrill seeker, you still remain well grounded.

Best Regards,
Steve abortiondream1|Boiling A Rabbit|I've got one dream in particular that bothers me. I remember it so clearly.

My aborted baby's father and I are messing around (I wasn't seeing him at the time). Then he says "Wait, not yet", and he pulls out this dirty, nasty hunting knife and slashes my leg. I lay there in shock looking at it and say "Why'd you do that? That's gonna hurt and it's gonna bleed." He looks at me and smiles and says "Yeah, it's gonna hurt and it's gonna bleed, but you'll be alright."

The other one that bothers me I can only remember one part of it. I put a white rabbit into a pot of boiling sauce. I wouldn't let it go when it struggled to get out. 

Thanks for any help.

January 11, 2002|

|HI Sharie,

Your first dream is about sex and domination. The knife can be seen as phallic symbol and thus represents sexual intercourse. From your dream account, I wonder if this guy was the one who took your virginity. In this dream, you are expressing some regrets. You feel that you have lost the ability to move forward with your life.

Rabbits are often associated with procreation, reproduction, and fertility. The symbology of putting the rabbit into a boiling pot may be metaphor for your abortion, particularly if the sauce in the pot was reddish in color. You may be experiencing difficulties and emotional turmoil in coping with the abortion.

Best Regards,
Amy beardream1|Polar Bears|Is there any significance to seeing Polar Bears? 

In a dream, I was with a group of friends preparing to go (snow) skiing. We were pulling on a rope that somehow got lodged in a mound of snow. After tugging hard, we pulled out a polar bear.

Suddenly, I was alone, near a precipice. I heard a loud, fast thumping noise. I turned and suddenly barely (no pun intended) avoided the attack. Unfortunately, there were more bears and before I knew it, my heart was thumping in fear as I tried to figure out how to avoid all the bears. I couldn't see them all, but I knew I was way outnumbered. Suddenly, a polar bear emerged from the water and swiped my feet. I awoke suddenly.

August 28, 2000


Your dream is very telling of your emotional state. The snowy environment that you are in suggests that you may be emotionally cold or indifferent. The polar bear symbolizes some deep and negative emotions that is yearning to be expressed. Bears hibernate. This may be analogous to repressed feelings which have remained quietly in your subconscious. At some point, these feelings are going to "awake" and need to be expressed and confronted. Note how you pulled the polar bear from out of the mound of snow. It is as if you want to reveal and force out what is in your subconscious. At the same time, you are afraid of what you will find.

Best Regards,
Steven dogdream1|The Bunny Dog|Hey, my name is Devon G.

I have been visiting your site recently and I need some help on a dream that I recently had...well here it goes.

I have a pet bunny and I'm chasing her all around this little town. I am near the water also and I can see a harbor. I know there are people around but I cant really see them. When I finally catch my bunny she seems to have turned into a dog. But in the dream I act completely normal. The dog seems happy because she is wagging her tail and licking me.

I rarely remember dreams and this one seemed a little significant to me and I don't know why. There has been a lot going on in my life and I'm hoping you can translate this dream for me.

Thanks a lot,
Devon G.
December 2, 2000|

|Hi Devon,

Your dream of chasing your pet bunny reminds me of the story of Alice in Wonderland. In this sense, the rabbit suggests that you are being enticed by something or some situation which has sparked your curiosity. The image of the rabbit (as well as the harbor) signals welcomed changes and new events. Notice that you are the one doing the chasing. This signifies that you may be trying to achieve some goal or find a solution to a waking situation.

Also, the rabbit is often associated with timidness and vulnerability. Consider how these characteristics relate to your own personality. When the rabbit changes into a dog, this transformation may parallel the changes you are experiencing. The dog may represent the newly developed part of your personality that is more confident and even potentially threatening. Perhaps this is the goal you want to achieve - to be more confident. Not so coincidentally, the town you are running around in is another metaphor for the different parts of the Self. It is interesting how you remark that you know that there are people around but that you don't see them. In actuality, these people also represent aspects of yourself in which you are literally not acknowledging or seeing. Ask yourself who you think these people are and what they are like. This may offer clues as to what parts of yourself you need to give more attention to.

Best Regards,
Amy cardream1|Spinning Van|What can you tell me about a dream I just had? My husband and I were in our van. I was driving. Suddenly it started spinning out of control. I could feel the spinning sensation and hear my husband's fear but couldn't do anything to correct it or stop it. I woke up before I saw the ending of the dream, but am left with the dizzying fear of spinning. My driving the van might not be significant in that I always drive when we go anywhere together. I'd be interested in your interpretation of this dream. Thank you!

September 9, 2000|


Generally, driving is symbolic of how you are navigating through life. The van is representative of how you are approaching a situation or your progress through life. And according to your dream, you may be going through a circumstance in which you feel is out of your control. The notion that your husband is in the van with you when your vehicle spins of out control suggests that the situation at hand may stem from your relationship with him. Did you have an argument or disagreement with him on the night of the dream? Are there broader issues that you feel you need to discuss with your husband?

Best Regards,
Steve cardream2|Stolen Car|For the past 6 months or so, I am having dreams that someone is stealing my car. I leave my car in different places, towns, parking garages, etc. and every time, I come out to get into my car it's gone. 

I am desperately trying to find out what this means. Please help.

July 9, 2002|

|Hi Michele,

Discovering that your car has been stolen in your dream suggests that your identity is being taken from you. This may relate to losing your job, failure of a relationship, or some other situation in which plays a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person.

Best Regards,
Steve bathroomdream1|Restroom Maze|I have different dreams almost every night, but in almost every dream I see a bathroom. Usually I'm at a school, University or work place, where there would be large public restrooms. In every dream, the restroom is almost always dark and wet and cave like. On more than one occasion, it has been like a maze in which I have to find my way out of the restroom. I never actually use the restroom, but I almost always find myself in one. 

This has been a reoccurring theme in my dreams for over 10 years now. Any ideas??

October 6, 2000|

|Hi Eirrac,

Your dream really shows a preoccupation with the bathroom. The bathroom is a place where natural functions occur; symbolically this includes the expression of your feelings/thoughts and your instinctual nature. Since our early learning about bathroom activities are usually taught by parents, it can reflect early training/conditioning, which you accept or rebel against. Therefore, the bathroom may bring about issues of control, rebellion, and independence. 

You described the bathroom as some sort of maze. This suggest that you are feeling confused and lost in your own sea of emotions. Are you experiencing some feelings or burdens and need to "relieve yourself"? You also mention how you never actually use the restroom. It seems like you are still keeping your feelings inside instead of expressing and releasing them. Recurring dreams often reoccur simply because the problem or situation at hand is never fully resolved.

Best Regards,
Amy bathroomdream2|Sitting On The Toilet|I have a reoccurring dream that I'm using a toilet and above my waist I am exposed like there is only half a door on the stall and when I stand up to pull up my pants everyone can see me. I'm a 53 year old woman. 

June 1, 2001|

|Hi Ramona,

Your dream may serve to be some sort of advice to you. Using the toilet represents letting out your emotions, fears, and worries. And the notion that you are exposed from the waist up highlights your need to get something off your chest. You need to let your feelings show!

You go to the bathroom in a stall where there is little space. To some degree, you are trying to keep your feelings and emotions to yourself. What you need to do is share them with others, as the waist-high door demonstrates. Get over your fear that you might be judged or criticized.

Best Regards,

|Ramona's Response:

Thanks for the dream analysis, I just got put on Zoloft. LOL,

Ramona bathroomdream3|Dogs In The Bathroom|Before I start, I just want to let you know a little about myself. I am an 18 year old girl. I have been feeling depressed lately and maybe that has to do with my dream.

In my dream, I am at a friend's house from work but it is really my old house that I moved out of 5 years ago. They are making fun of my breast size and passing my bras to each other. I am embarrassed so I went for the bathroom. 

On my way there, I keep touching the walls and looking at everything. As I am going downstairs, a dog comes up and I start petting him. He starts to jump on me and lick me. Then about 5 puppies walk by and look at me. Then another dog starts pulling at my jeans and play-biting me. I try to walk away from him but he keeps pulling me back. He is all over me. I was anxious to go to the bathroom to get away from the dogs, but there was no door to separate me from the dogs. Then I saw two dogs in the bathtub. When I turned around, two greyhounds swam over to me. Somehow I end up in water and the the 2 greyhounds and the dog that was play-biting me are drowning me. Then I wake up.

October 5, 2000|

|Hi Bridget,

The overall tone of your dream is that of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed by your repressed emotions. You indicated in your dream that you were at your friend's house. But in reality, this was a house that you had actually lived in and moved out of five years ago. That would mean you were about 13 years of age at the time. When you dream about houses you've lived in in your past, it usually reflects aspects of yourself that were developed during that particular time. Recall when you were 13 and what you were feeling at the time. These feelings may have gone unexpressed and have recently being triggered by a waking situation. In your dream you described how your friends were making fun of your bra size. This sort of taunting and teasing, either perceived or real, sounds like something a young teen may go through during the awkward stages of development. You may compare yourself to others who were developing faster than you and in a way felt inferior to them. Till this day, you seem to still struggle with issues regarding your appearance and your ability to express yourself.

How you make your way to the bathroom is also very significant. You touch the wall and looked at everything. The wall gives you solace, security, and protection. Have you put a wall between yourself and others? This wall symbolizes a barrier against your repressed emotions. However, when you go DOWNstairs to go to the bathroom, it is analogous to going deep into your unconscious and confronting your repressed emotions, however fearful it may be. On the surface, you may display the strength and desire to confront your feelings, but deep inside, you are still hesitant, as exemplified by the appearance of the dogs who hinders your path to the bathroom. The bathroom is a place where natural functions occurs. In the dream sense, bathroom symbolizes a free- flow of emotions and/or instinctual urges. The notion that there is no door to the bathroom implies your vulnerability - not only against the dogs but the vulnerability of being fully exposed.

In the final scene and with keeping with the same theme of your dream, you are drowning . Not so coincidentally, water is often a symbol of the unconscious and emotions. Your drowning denotes the overwhelming fears you still have in confronting you repressed emotions. You may be feeling a rush or emotions that is literally drowning you. Perhaps you are not as ready as you had thought in facing your fears and emotions. Take things more slowly, instead of diving right into it.

Best Regards,
Steve snakedream1|Two Snakes|I appreciate your feedback. I had a dream about being home and seeing two large snakes enter the dining room area of my home. They were fighting together when one headed in my direction Then I woke up.

February 28, 2001|


Snakes have quite a complicated and varied symbolism. It can suggests feelings of deviousness, self-renewal, or temptation. However, the dining room offers a clue as to the precise meaning of the snakes. The dining room is symbolic of your needs and appetites, including sexual ones. In this regard, the overall theme of your dream relates to an increase in your sexuality or your ambivalence/struggles with sexual issues.

Best Regards,
Amy snakedream2|Snakes Everywhere!|Hi. I had this dream the night before last, so I hope I can get most of it for you. I looked up some of the things in the dream in the dictionary, but would like your opinion.

It starts out with me walking down a smooth dirt road, with trees and grass on the side, but I only see what is to the right and slightly ahead of me, I never see anything on the left. As I'm walking, I pass a snake curled up on a rock. It looks at me but I know it isn't a dangerous snake. It's a "good" snake, so I move on, and leave it alone. I'm still walking, and pass a rattlesnake, curled up on the side of the road. It doesn't strike, just rattles it's tail, it startles me, but I leave it behind. 

Shortly, I come to a park where children are playing, but they are surrounded by snakes. I know there are several children, but I focus on one, which I think is a little girl. She is near the merry-go-round like ride, (no horses, just one like are in kiddie parks). I glimpse a white tiger somewhere in the park. It wasn't prominent, but it was there. I hurry to a small building ahead of me, (which reminded me of a telegraph office, or train station office) and go inside to call 911. 

The lady at the desk asked what was wrong and I told her I needed to use the phone because the children were surrounded by snakes. She let me and I called the police. The police told me to get everyone out of the office and I did. I was alone in the office trying to convince them to help the children. They weren't very concerned. I told them there were many snakes and a tiger out there with the kids. Their attitude was very condescending, and unhelpful. 

As I was sitting in the chair, a burgundy colored "Siamese" snake came out from under a nearby chair. I thought at first it just had two heads, but it had two bodies too. The body of the head on the left, (as I was looking at it), looked like it had been bitten off, just behind where the snakes joined, but it was alive. 

I was still on the phone, and the right head moved up and bit me on the left thigh. I told the police that I was being bitten, but I didn't think it had fangs. It didn't hurt, just tingled a lot. I remember thinking I had heard somewhere not to fight it if a snake bit you, just let it, till it was done. The sensation of tingling was strong, but I woke up before the snake stopped biting me. That was the end of it, but it was quite vivid, especially the bite on the thigh.

Any input would be helpful. I have some ideas based on the dictionary, but I'm new to dream interpretation. 

Thank you,
September 20, 2000|

|Hi RJ,

The overall tone of your dream is that of helplessness. It is interesting how you remark that you can only see the right side of your view. The right side represents the conscious side, while the left side symbolizes the unconscious. You seem reluctant in confronting your unconscious feelings and thoughts.

The snakes in your dream symbolize primal energy, temptation, and evil. These are the thoughts and feelings you may be trying to suppress. The road you are traveling in your dream reflects the path you have taken in your waking life. You come upon a couple of snakes along your life path with no incident and proceeded forward. In constantly suppressing your feelings, over time it will overflow to the point where you are forced to confront them. The park filled with children surrounded by snakes exemplifies this notion and forces you to take some action. The children represents the future and growth. As you set forth on this path, you find that your future is in jeopardy in some way.

The two-headed snakes puts you face to face against your unconscious. To your surprise, you find that even when bitten by the snake, you were not hurt. Your dream may be an invitation for you to explore your unconscious and not to be afraid of what there is to learn about yourself.

Best Regards,
Steve snakedream3|Raining Snakes|I had a dream that me, mom, dad and my sister, Tiffany were sleeping in the jungle. At first, we were all on the ground sleeping in sleeping bags. Then the car alarm went off and all the animals got upset and it started to rain snakes. They were everywhere. 

So we went inside this squishy thing and we could see these fireflies sticking there ends into it trying to get in. They looked like diamonds, but when you touched them they felt like needles. 

The snakes kept trying to get in. I got one by the neck and made it bite another snake and it killed it. When I looked outside, I saw Tiffany laying out there and she was still sleeping. Snakes were eating her and biting her nose. So I told one of the snakes to go and kill the the other snake biting Tiffany. It tried to until one of the other snakes said "okay, lets go". So then everything was back to normal and we were back at home. 

What does this mean??? I was so confused when I woke up.

September 20, 2000|


The jungle signifies your instinctual nature and your unconscious. The car alarm is a very unnatural aspect of the jungle environment. It may be a way to call attention to a matter in your unconscious that needs to emerge and be acknowledged at once.

The raining of snakes is again drawing your attention to your unconscious thoughts. Specifically snakes represent primal energy, temptation and evil. These may be the thoughts that are in your unconscious in which you do not want to face.

The fireflies in your dream represents the mind and how light needs to be shed onto some matter that you have been repressing. You mention how they look like diamonds but they were prickly to the touch. This notion suggests something of value that is out of reach. In other words, you need to confront and address those feelings that you are suppressing; in doing so, you will have a better understanding of yourself.

When you went back home in the end of your dream, you said everything was okay. You equate home with safety, comfort, shelter, and protection. In the jungle, you were out in the open with the elements. You were forced to confront thoughts and feelings from your unconscious.

Best Regards,
Steve snakedream4|Snakes Jumping At Me|I don't recall my dreams. Last night I had a very strange dream. I dreamt that I was walking in the woods with my ex-stepmother-in-law and she was trying to convince me to take my ex-husband back. I listen to what she had to say and when she finished. I stated that I could not go back to the past and that it was over. The next thing that happened was she started to walk ahead of me and then all these snakes started jumping out at me, they were all around me and then I woke up. I do not understand this dream. I hope that you can give me some insight to it for it has left me really nervous.

Thank You, 
October 9, 2000|


I think you found the meaning to your dream when you said that you could not go back to the past and that that aspect of your life is over. Snakes are complicated dream symbols and have both positive and negative meanings. In your case, it is a positive symbol suggesting changes and self-renewal. Snakes, especially twining snakes, is a signal of a healing dream. You are obviously ready to move on toward the future and no longer want to relive the past. Because of the snake's ability to move and slide with ease, this may parallel your fresh outlook on life.

Best Regards,
Steve treedream1|Scissors In The Forest|I searched your dream dictionary, but I couldn't find anything on Scissors. Last night I dreamt I was in forest covered in snow and I was next to a wide stream. There were people all around that I didn't know (almost like a tourist attraction, but not really). I was with a few people that I did know. Down by the stream in/on a small tree I found three pair of metal scissors and I was perplexed as to why they were there. Then I noticed across the way there was a large tree that had it's branches twisted in such a way that it was shape like the three scissors. I held the scissors up one at a time in the air to see that the branches were the exact same shape as the scissors just on a larger scale, in my dream I was perplexed and was wondering why it was and if something was trying to tell me something.

I am so baffled! I would REALLY appreciate any insight you could give me. 

Thank You, 
Dawn R.
May 31, 2001|

|Hi Dawn,

The large tree in your dream may be a pun on the family tree. The branches in particular, represent the relationship and connection between you and your family/relatives. The scissors may be a metaphor to cut off some familial ties where each of the three scissors represent a family member or relative. Perhaps you need to start letting go of someone in your family and let them go and explore the world for themselves.

Best Regards,
Steve tornadodream1|Tornado|I'm standing inside my house in fear and panic of the approaching storm/tornado. Looking frantically for a hiding place or some protection. All the walls on three sides were blown out glass windows the only thing I can see are the frames and broken jagged edges. I look behind me and there is a brick wall in the shape of an I but the storm was coming at me and with the wall behind me there was no protection from the storm and I felt this terrible fear and doom.

Debbie J.
September 12, 2000|

|Hi Debbie,

It is important to note that houses in dreams are often metaphors for the self and the psyche. In your dream where the walls of the houses are blown down suggest tremendous stress and personal changes that are going on in your life. You literally feel that your life is crumbling down on you and that you have no one to turn to. In addition, you may have let your guard down and allowed yourself to be vulnerable.

The coming of the storm/tornado further reiterates the turmoil that is occurring in your waking life. A relationship or situation is eating away at you and potentially dangerous to your well-being. Storms are also representative of unexpressed fears, anger, and other emotions that you have kept hidden inside.

In dreams, sometimes it is not so important what happens in your dream but how your FEEL during the dream. Many times in our waking life, we prevent ourselves from feeling a certain way. However, dreams serve as a "safe" outlet to express those emotions in which we keep inside.

Best Regards,

|Debbie's Response:

Thanks Jade, I appreciate your getting back to me with this. Yes, my life is in turmoil and I do feel I have no one to trust at times. A stormy relationship with and between my husband and my son. My husband was transferred to Georgia in the past few weeks and my 19 year old son is in much trouble with the law and depends on me for everything. I feel like I'm being ripped into. I made an agreement with the courts to stick by his side for a few months until he gets straightened out with his mess and my husband has already left for Georgia . I feel alone with my struggles.

Thanks for what you do!

Warm regards,
Debbie J. vampiredream1|Fighting Vampires|I need to know why I'm dreaming of fighting and defeating vampires all the time. After waking up from this dream I'm really tired. Please shed some light on the situation.

March 4, 2001|

|Hello GM,

The vampires in your dream may suggest that you are feeling drained of your life energy and autonomy. In dreaming that you are fighting these vampires, is a literal depiction of your daily struggles with keeping things in order. You may be suffering from exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed in some aspect of your domestic or personal life which explains the tiredness you feel when you wake up. 

Hopefully, I did shed some light on this dream for you. 

Take Care,
Steve vampiredream2|Alluring Vampires|For as long as I can remember myself, I've been having dreams about vampires. In my earlier years, they've been horrible, mindless creatures that I desperately ran from--not in fear of death, but in fear of being turned into a vampire. However the older I got, the calmer the dreams became. They turned even pleasant. Now they are sensual, beautiful dreams! I'm charmed by incredibly attractive male vampires, and if in the beginning of the dream I am reluctant to fall into the temptation, in the end I always find myself in bed with the once horrible creature. I am head over heals in love with him. Please help! I've been trying to get this figured out for years, and I just don't get it. What does this mean?

Thank You, 
Olga M.
September 01, 2001|

|Hi Olga,

You seemed to have captured the paradox of the vampires in your dreams. They represent death, ferocity, and aggression. At the same time, they represent lust, nobility, and seduction. This complex dream figure is a reflection of your extreme and diverse feelings involving a situation or relationship. Perhaps the dream may be a metaphor for a romantic obsession you are experiencing that has little or no emotional foundation. This relationship may also prove to be ultimately harmful to your autonomy and independence.

The shift that your dreams has taken in how your perceive the vampire may have to do with your attraction to the "bad boy" image. These are the guys that you know that you should stay away from, but nevertheless you are drawn to them.

Best Regards,
Amy airplanedream1|On The Airplane|What does it mean when you're not IN the airplane, but on top of it, holding on as you fly? In my dream last night, this is what happened, and then a "steward" came up and asked for my boarding pass, which I didn't have, so he put in a call on his cell phone to check and make sure I was actually "booked" for the flight. Any insight you could offer would be most appreciated! :)

Molli F.
October 13, 2000|

|Hi Molli,

Your dream falls under the category of "flying dreams", in which however you are not flying under your own power. Such dreams are associated with a major change in your life, a rise in status or a transitional phase. What is most peculiar about your dream is that you are on top of the plane. But the steward goes about his job to check your boarding pass as if there was nothing odd with this picture. In general, airplane dreams represent some sort of change. However, for you, this change may cause you to be isolated from the rest of the group, i.e. friends, family, colleagues, etc. You are literally flying high on your own. It is sometimes said that it can be lonely atthe top and in some way your dream is depicting this.

Best Regards,
Steve airplanedream2|Plane Crash|Last night I had a very vivid dream. For some reason, it was Halloween. My kids and I were playing in a park as I watched a Japan airline crashing. It first descended towards me and at the last minute began ascending again before crashing. I was rescuing the children in the plane, who clearly were speaking to me in Japanese and I understood them. The all wore white tees with Japanese writing that I could understand. When trying to rescue one child, he had a loaded gun and was shooting all around him until I took it from him and removed the bullets.

August 22, 2000|

|Hi Tammy,

Your dream seems to describe a positive transformation that has occurred in your waking life. You had previously been suffering from self-doubt or a lack of self-confidence as is suggested by the imagery of the crashing airplane. Since the airplane, managed to ascend and crashed away from you, it signifies that you have turned a bad situation from becoming far more worse.

Your self-doubt may stem from issues regarding your domestic life and parenthood. The Japanese children you rescue from the plane is representative of your own kids. You may have once feared that you were not relating to and understanding your own children. Your ability to understand Japanese in your dream is a metaphor for understanding your own kids. When you take the loaded gun from one of the plane passengers whom you were rescuing, you displayed how you were able to take charge of the situation and regain some sort of control.

Incidentally, you mentioned how your dream took place on the day of Halloween. In dreams, Halloween signifies the adult regression into childhood. Again, this may be another symbol of how you have been able to relate to your kids.

Best Regards,
Steve airportdream1|Online Encounter|Dear Dream Interpreters,

Thank you for providing such a cool website and making a site of giving free dream interpretations for us confused dreamers. LOL. This is highly appreciated.

Okay, this was my dream last night: I have a male online friend who I kind of am annoyed at a bit now. We were close before but not so much anymore. But we're still friends and occasionally keep in touch. He lives in Canada, while I'm here in the Philippines. 

Last night, I dreamt I was in an airport (not too sure but looks like it). In my dream I was stretching my neck as if looking or expecting for someone. But then it turned out to be him. I saw, he stared and recognized me instantly and gave me a big nice smile. I too did the same thing but not sooner that I acted happy to see him, I suddenly became shy and kind of slouched back so he wouldn't see me totally. In that dream I kind of hid behind a tinted glass window after I realized I became shy and conscious, but I can still see him smiling back at me, I too am still smiling back but more like a shy smile now. Then I woke up. 

So can you guys help me out what this dream means? Also, me and this guy are just buddies for we're both in a relationship right now.

Again, Thank you and here's hoping for your reply. Hope my dream seems interesting to reply and not a waste of your time to read.

March 28, 2001|

|Hi Cheerea,

In your dream, the airport is symbolic of a connection point. Just as planes connect with other flights and connect people with other people from various places, this dream setting may be a metaphor for your encounter.

According to your dream, you indicated how you were hiding behind this tinted window. This tinted window may serve as a metaphor. Throughout your online relationship, you have been hiding behind a computer monitor. In hiding behind this tinted window, perhaps you were seeking to be shielded as if you were still behind a monitor screen. Additionally, his perception of you has always been through the monitor. Seems like you sort of took on that image literally.

Ultimately, this dream may stem from you wondering what it would be like if you two met in person.

Best Regards,
Steve platypusdream1|Platypus|Hello:

I hope you can help me, as I have searched three different dream websites to no avail. A few nights ago, I dreamed of a platypus slowly swimming towards me; there was no fear on my part. I was watching from the shore. I have no idea what this could mean, as I realize that a platypus is an odd animal. 

Thank you for your attention.

May 23, 2001|

|Hi Damarys,

Since the platypus is primarily a water-dwelling animal, it is symbolic of repressed  emotions and unconscious thoughts. Your lack of fear suggests your acceptance and acknowledgment of those feelings and thoughts. The odd appearance of a platypus (as opposed to a typical whale/fish) may be a way for your unconscious to help you draw attention to it and increase remembrance of the dream.

Best Regards,

|Damary's Response:

Dear Steve,

Thanks a million for your interpretation of my dream about the platypus; what you have written makes a lot of sense to me. I appreciate your time and effort to help me.

Many blessings,
Damarys blooddream1|Menstruation|Hello. Can you please help, as I am starting to worry?

I have had two dreams approximately 3-4 weeks apart. In these dreams, I was menstruating. I even put my hand to the blood and looking at it (being female I hope this means nothing). But on looking up the meaning of blood, it keeps coming back with bad tidings.

In one book, looking up BLOOD, it even said: Death my accident, or bad gossip being spread about me, also other bad tidings.

Now, because I have had this same kind of dream twice, I am starting to get worried. Can you help? I have tried your dreams pages on the internet, but nothing.

October 12, 2000|

|Hi Samantha,

Your dream is nothing to worry about. It is quite common for women to dream of blood shortly before or during their period or when they are pregnant. Judging from your email when you said that your two dreams occurred about 3-4 weeks apart, this sounds consistent with a menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle repeats itself every 20-25 days and thus the onset of your dreams may occur at a specific stage of your cycle.

In some way, your dreaming mind is in sync with your menstrual cycle. Your dream may indicate some hiddenanxiety about your cycle or herald an unexpected/earlyperiod. Again it should not be anything to be alarmed about.

Best Regards,
Amy catdream1|Black Cat|I dream a lot. It is not very often that I do not dream.

My dreams are generally about me be on a train or trying to get on a train. Or on a bus and seems like I'm going in the same location. Sometimes I dream about my decease mother which is very seldom or my grandmother. But I generally dream about my aunt who raise me after my mother died and is also decease now.

First let me tell you this I am what you call very unlucky person. If I have a good morning the evening will end up bad. Well I have had almost 42 years of what you would call bad luck or just unlucky and I was wondering if my dreams has anything to do with them.

I very seldom dream of my daughter and when I do its like she turns into someone else.

To make a long story short. This morning I woke up to use the bathroom around 2:30am. It I got this rent receipt underneath my door, which for some reason the co-op people just can't seem to get right. I know I went back to sleep angry when I finally dose off. It took me a while to go back to sleep and when I did, I start to dream. It was a strange dream. My daughter had this cat and it was black and I told her to take it back upstairs. Then it seems I asked her if she fed the cat. Seems also this dream took place in the bathroom. Where at one point its seems we were trying to clean spaghettis and we were trying to clean it off the sink and for some strange reason I took my nails and dug into my daughter's legs (My daughter is 15 years old and we have a pretty good relationship and she is not a bad person so why would I want to hurt her) and she gave me this strange look like wow why did you do this with this strange look on her little face like it was almost evil. Getting back to the cat. My daughter than took the cat in put it in this light blue tub that we have to soak our soaks etc. It was full of milk and we put the cat in it. He did not drown he was just standing up in the milk and we were looking at it. Then the alarm clock went off and I woke up.

Could this dream mean that since I was around my sister, niece and her cat yesterday which is not black that I dream about the cat. When my daughter went down to answer the door and saw my neighbor which has been living down South for the last couple of years that I was having this dream. My daughter comes into the part where I told her that she has to make sure that she has to study tomorrow for her regents. Maybe me digging into her skin with my nails was me being angry with my neighbors.

I have so many dreams and I do not understand them. I have this dream book that I try to look up my dreams but it always say something negative. Which makes me very afraid. Not all dreams can be bad can they. I know that when I dream about my aunt or my mother something always bad happens to me. Not bad where I am sick just financial and other things which I cannot explain.

Sorry this was a long note, but any advise you give would be greatly appreciate!

July 21, 2000|

|Dear Anita,

No, I don't think all dreams are bad, In fact, I don't think there is such things as bad dreams because dreams allow us to express our feelings and emotions in ways that we normally would not if we were awake.

Your recurring dreams of being or trying to get on a train suggests that you have a definite course that you want to stick to. You have clearly set goals for yourself and it seems to be a constant struggle for you to keep up with them. Your bus dreams beckons a similar tone in that you know where you need to be in terms of your goals. But the path and route in achieving those goals may not be a smooth or easy one. I think these dreams occur so often for you maybe your mind training your mind to believe that you can get to where you want to be.

It sounds like you really believe that you are an unlucky person. In my humble opinion, I think that it has more to do with the way you look at things. If you continue to believe you are unlucky, then unlucky things will happen. It is mind over matter. Start looking at the good things and emphasize on the positives that happen to you! :)

Now about your cat dream. I think it reflects on your unlucky mindset. You believe that you are unlucky so much so that you've internalized it. In this particular dream, I think you are represented by the black cat - a symbol of bad luck. The black cat is just the way you see yourself and has no additional meanings other than that. You have becomed the embodiment of bad luck. In the dream, you projected yourself through the cat and in turn the cat projected itself through you. Cats tend to claw on things and thus when you were digging your nails into your daughter, it was really the cat. I don't think you had any intentions of harming your daughter. It was a way for your mind to clue you in on what is happening - that you were no longer you. Then your dream shifts to the attention of the cat. It is no coincidence that the cat is soaking in a tub of milk. Milk is symbolic of maternal instincts, nurturance and motherly love. And hence your dream may be a reassurance that you are surrounded by love.

Best Regards,
Jade catdream2|Injured Cat|Please help me to interpret this dream.

I dreamt of a cat and suddenly it was ran down by a car. The cat hurt its neck or something. I was in a hurry but I said, okay, I will take to doctor. Then I woke up. I cannot remember cat color.

February 19, 2001|


Your dream brings about the impression of the cat having  nine lives. In this regard, your dream refers to the overcoming of multiple obstacles in your waking life. The resilience of the cat represents your own inner strength and tenacity.

Generally, cats are symbolic of feminine power and independence. Have you been feeling that these characteristics are not being expressed within your own self?

Best Regards,
Steve eyesdream1|Red Eyes|Dear Sir or Madam, 

My mother and sister both dream of my late father having red eyes I was hoping you can interrupt that for me. 

Thank you, 
March 27, 2001

P.S. This site is one of the best and well organized site about dreams.|


The eyes are the windows to the soul as the popular phrase goes. His red eyes in the dream may be a way to draw attention to his inner love, energy, and vigor. Did he travel a lot? The phrase "red eye" may also be a pun referring to his travels or that he was frequently away from home.

A more logical explanation for the red eyes may be a reference to the memory of your father. In photographs we are all too familiar with the red eye effect we sometimes get. Thus his red eyes may indicate some memory of him.

Best Regards,
Steve rabbitdream1|Black Rabbit|There is just one part of the dream I can remember. I was in a field riding my bike towards a street behind my mother, and I turned and saw a black rabbit hop next to me.

Can you tell me anything about that??

Thank you :)
January 6, 2001|

|Hi Derek,

First let's examine some of the individual symbols in your dream. The field is representative of freedom, openness and your unlimited potential. The bicycle symbolizes your progress toward your goals on your OWN power and will.

In your dream you mentioned that you were riding your bike behind your mother. This suggest that you have not yet broke free from the shadow of your mother. Somehow you are restricted and held back. You are in this open field but yet you are still following behind your mother. The street that you are riding toward is the path toward you goal. It seems like you already have a set path and you know what you want to do.

Rabbits in dreams is sometimes a symbol for the mother archetype. It's appearance in your dream may further reiterate that your mother is never ever too far away.

Best Regards,

|Derek's Response:

Hi again,

Let me say just this....wow...thank you!!

Derek rabbitdream2|Turned Into A Bunny|Hello,

A good male friend of mine had a very strange dream about me a few nights ago. I was wondering if you could help me interpret his dream and the meaning of it to me.

The dream involved me and him lying on the couch. As things get heated up between the two of us. I turn into a bunny and run away. And leave him alone. 

He told me the dream was sexually to him and he was turned on by it. Me and him have never been sexually involved before. We have talked about it. But never gone through with it. I hope you can help me with this.

August 18, 2001|

|Hi Katherine,

The dream may indicate that perhaps he wants to push the relationship further with you. The notion that you turn into a bunny suggests that he doesn't know how you feel about taking the relationship to a new level. Bunnies are timid and vulnerable creatures, yet are also associated with lust allure, and sexuality. He feels that if he comes across too strong, that you'll run off the other way.

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Steve relationshipdream1|Afraid To Ask|Hi there. I hope you can clarify this for me.

I have this a friend of mine (who is a girl). And she has this recurring dream where she's in school and for no reason a man stabs her. For some reason she goes to find my class but hesitates in asking for me because she doesn't think I will drive her to the hospital. The funny thing is that she has her license and has several friends who can drive also. We are both curious as to what this means (if anything) or why she goes to find me. Thanks a lot.

Peace and love, 
March 14, 2001|

|Hi Will,

The dream seems to be telling of the relationship between the two of you. It is interesting how she makes the effort to go to your class and then in the end, hesitates to ask you to drive her to the hospital. This may parallel some other underlying issue in which she wants to bring up some matter but is afraid of how you will react. Even in the midst of her pain from being stabbed, she is thinking through how YOU might feel or react. This sort of behavior is also indicative of someone who puts forth other's feelings before their own.

Best Regards,

|Will's Response:

Dear Amy, 

I would like to thank you profusely for your analysis of my dream. it was very helpful to know I was right in my first assumption of the dream. Once again, thank you.

Peace and Love,
 Will relationshipdream2|Sad Break-Up|Hi,

Can you please interpret this dream for me. I think you'd like some information about me to help. I'm 13 years old and I'm in the 7th grade. I got dumped by my girlfriend who I really love (still do), but she never talks to me anymore. Now for the dream.

I was sitting in math class. Everyone was in their assigned seats. I sit in front of my ex-girlfriend and someone sits behind her. That person behind her was absent. She looked to see if he was there and when she saw he wasn't she said something close to "Oh great, Skook isn't here....I guess I'll have to talk to you now". She sounded annoyed. She let out a sigh of boredom. After a few minutes (like 2) into our failing conversation, she said "Geez, you're boring!!" and she just sat up and leaned against the wall next to our row. I turned around and felt sad ....than I woke up.

Thanks for your help,
January 6, 2001|

|Hi T.J.

I am sorry to hear about your break-up. It sounds like you are still trying to get over the relationship. You mentioned how she never talks to you anymore and your dream seems to try to seek out a reason for why she doesn't talk to you. I think you are looking for flaws and negative things about yourself as to why the relationship ended and why she may have dumped you. You seem to be beating yourself up and blaming yourself for the break-up. It's important NOT to blame yourself.

This dream of your ex-girlfriend is a way to help you cope and get over the break-up more quicker. In your dream you felt sad. That feeling of sadness is significant because it indicates acknowledgement of your feelings. It is far better to express your emotions then to suppress them.

Best Regards,

|T.J's Response:

Thanks. relationshipdream3|It's Not Going To Work|I have been having this dream that my husband tell me that it just isn't going to work and that he has tried but it isn't going to happen. I am beating him up in my dream after he tells me this and his mom is telling me he is right you guys aren't going to work things out. Can you help me with this.

Thank You, 
September 21, 2000|


After reading your dream, my  question is if you and your husband have any unresolved issues in your waking life. One function of dreams is that they serve as an outlet for us to release and express emotions that we otherwise would hold back and repress in our normal day-to-day life. Obviously, you are angry at him for something. This anger is channeled into your dream. Sometimes the emotions you feel in your dream is much more important then the scenario of the dream itself.

Overall, your dream is pretty vague. Your husband is telling you that it isn't going to work out. The obvious conclusion is that your relationship is not going to work out. But, keep in mind that dreams are a cryptic language. When he says that it isn't going to work, it can refer to anything. What isn't going to work? An appliance? A device? A plan? It does not necessarily mean that your marriage will not work.

What is your relationship with your mother-in-law? Do you feel that she is somewhat unsupportive of you? Does she question the way you raise your family? In you dream, it seems like his mother is pessimistic about the way things are going between the two of you.

Best Regards,
Steve relationshipdream4|Do I Like Him?|Ok, here's the deal. There is this guy that I know that goes to my mom's house all the time. Of course I'm not there. But anyways, you know how when a lot of people say they don't like someone, then you start to not like them too. That's what happened with this guy. I didn't like him that much, even though I chat with him on Yahoo messenger all the time. 

Well, I had a dream that me and a couple of friends went to his house for a party and I didn't know it was his house until I got there. I was sitting down on the floor and he comes over and we're eyeing each other. Anyways, all of a sudden we were lying down and I have my leg on his. Someone then came over and he said that he had to go. So the whole night I was watching him from far away and he was flirting with every girl in sight. I got so jealous. 

Later, I was playing a game with my friends that I totally sucked at. He come over and he and my friend were put on the opposite team as me. Then I woke up. 

Please e-mail me and tell me what it means. I really wanna know what it means! Thanks for reading.

Your Friend, 
December 30, 2001|

|Hi Ashley,

Dreaming that you are at a party suggests that you are trying to find your center and how you feel in a particular situation. Not knowing that this party was at this guy's house is a metaphor that you do not really know this guy as a person and perhaps need to give him a chance before you decide (or let your friends decide for you) for yourself that you do not like him.

Being on opposite teams with this guy suggests that there is some inner conflict between the two of you. Outwardly, you may show signs of disliking him, but inside you may be struggling or confused with how you really feel about him. Perhaps you really don't have any good solid reason to not like him. He seems to have some likeability qualities but you are afraid to say so, particularly to your friends.

Best Regards,
Steve ladderdream1|Stuck At The Top|I have had the same recurring dream where I am at the top of a metal ladder. It is very thin and unsafe. I have on a pair of shoes which I can't walk in very well and I cannot move to get down the ladder. I am absolutely petrified of taking my hands off in case I fall.

April 6, 2001|


Being at the top of a ladder suggests that you have reached some goal or accomplished some important task. However, you lack confidence in your achievements as depicted in the shoes your are wearing and your fear of descending from the ladder. You feel that your position at the top is a shaky one. Even though you have made it to the top, that does not mean that the challenge and hard work is over. The metal ladder symbolizes growth, and the process of individualization. You need to learn to stand on your own.

Best Regards,
Steve abusedream1|Past Abuse?|Hello DreamMoods:

I understand you must receive lots of mail from people needing help to interpret dreams and I do apologize for another such request but I had a dream that I cannot get out of my mind. I have spent days trying to figure it out. I cannot figure this one out and it is disturbing me terribly. Would you mind helping me with this.

I was at my childhood house with my step father. I was my current age in the dream, not a child. I was cleaning his house in hopes of getting paid. The house was a mess. I cleaned the downstairs and walked upstairs to clean. In the hall, in front of the bathroom there was a small table that had only one object on it. It was a dirty white coffee cup. Inside of the cup was a broken thermometer that was filled with watery blood instead of mercury. The watery blood had stained the bottom of the cup, but was still slightly wet. There was broken glass in the bottom of the cup.

I did not clean this cup out but walked down the hall into his bedroom. He began kissing me and fondling me. I felt dirty and ashamed. Disgusted. I believe he had sex with me twice. I heard someone coming and went down the hall to the bathroom to get dressed. I knew that his wife (not my mother, his current wife) had come home.

I closed the bathroom door and was struggling to get dressed. I was wet and soiled with his semen. I felt so dirty and embarrassed. I kept grabbing for shorts to put on. I could not find my clothes. I kept layering everyone else's shorts. I believe I ended up wearing my husbands favorite shorts out of the bathroom. His wife seemed angry as if she knew what had happened.

I walked outside with my step father. I was thinking that I could not believe I had gone through all of this for money and had not been paid. I realized he was not going to pay me. I never mentioned the hopes of money.

I told him that my car had a bad tire (which it does in real life) and that I could not leave. I was hoping he would give me money to fix the tire, instead he offered me keys to one of his cars. He was trying to hand me the keys and kissed me on my check a few times. I felt dirty again. He was offering a burgundy colored car. I was hoping for the nicest car, but it was the cheapest car.

Just before waking up I was deciding whether or not to take his car or whether to risk driving my own car with the bad tire.

Sorry for the lengthy email. I know how busy you all must be and I do appreciate your taking time for me. This dream is keeping me from doing the things I need to do on a daily basis. I cannot get this dream out of my mind. I feel that there is something to this dream.

Can you help?

Thank you,
September 9, 2000|

|Hi Dixie,

Your dream is quite disturbing to read. Before I give you my interpretation of your dream, I'd like to say that if your dream is a reflection of past real-life abuse, then it is for your well-being that you seek psychological help. The events in your dream may represent thoughts that have long been repressed and now you are slowly remembering them. With that said, now let's analyze and break down your dream.

Dreams about your childhood home generally reflect aspects of yourself that were prominent during the time that you lived there. Consider what your childhood was like and the attitudes or relationships you had. Your childhood home may pop up in your dream because of some unfinished emotional feelings that have yet to be resolved. Interestingly, you are cleaning the house, which suggests some sort of dirtiness - dirtiness of the Self and of the physical body.

Levels of the house represent levels of awareness. You mentioned how you cleaned the downstairs. The downstairs may indicate how you have successfully created an outward appearance that everything is okay. However, as you go just a little bit deeper into your mind (the upstairs) you find that are experiencing much mental turmoil.

The dirty white coffee cup and thermometer is a classic Freudian sexual image and may foreshadow the sexual act that is to come later on in your dream. White is symbolic of purity. However, since it is dirty implies a loss of innocence. According to Freud, the cup (or any receptacle for that matter) symbolizes the vagina and the thermometer (or any long, slender object) symbolizes the penis. It is interesting how you were able to tell that the thermometer was filled with blood and not mercury. This further lends to the notion that this had quality of some seminal fluid and thus symbolic of intercourse.

What kind of relationship do you have with your step-father now? According to your dream, he has a new wife now. Do you still maintain contact with him? He sounds like a horrible man. You seem to have a problem standing up to him even in your own dreams. It is apparent that he still has some considerable control over you.

Even if you were never sexually abused, this dream highlights your low self-esteem and how you tend to accept whatever life throws at you instead of fighting. You are taking a passive role in life and it's time to take charge. Don't let others take advantage of you.

Take care of yourself.

Best Regards,

|Dixie's Response:

Thank you Steve for taking the time to interpret this dream for me. I have always felt that it was odd that I cannot remember more of my childhood.

In answer to your question - I have nothing to do with my stepfather. I never see him.

I will take more time to read over your interpretation. 

Thank you and Take Care,
Dixie aliendream1|Kidnapped By Aliens|I had a dream that my family was replaced with a group of look-alike aliens. I saw that they were aliens, and my family tried to escape them, but I realized that my brother had been left behind in the haste. I went back to get him, but we were found and kidnapped. In the dream, my family was in one car and they were chasing the car that the aliens had kidnapped us in. I pushed my brother out of the door so that he would be able to escape. Then turned into a piece of paper floating down the highway.

September 7, 2000|


Your dream seems to highlight the relationship you have with your family and in particular the relationship with your brother. It sounds like you are having trouble relating and communicating with your family. You may feel that your parents are not allowing to fully express yourself and perhaps even feel "alienated" by them. They may not be prepared to let you go and venture on your own. The aliens represent unfamiliar situations and/or unexplored relationships. Do you feel neglected? You may feel that the lack of communication is restricting your own growth and self-expression as depicted by the kidnapping.

There is no doubt that you care and love your brother, but there is a barrier or wall between the two of you. The most significant and oddest part of the dream is how your brother turns into a piece of paper. Paper serves as means for expression and communication, but it is somewhat limited in that it is unemotional and on an impersonal level. Then you mention how the paper ("your brother") floats down the highway, which suggest a missed opportunity to bound with your brother and has now passed you by.

Best Regards,
Steve animaldream1|Baby Animal|Dear Dream Moods.com,

I had this dream a few days ago and I was very puzzled by it. I was wondering if you could help me out and maybe tell me what it means. I would really appreciate it!

In the dream, I remember seeing this animal that looked... well, I can't remember exactly, but it was like a very cute monkey/cat. It was moving around and it looked at me, but I didn't really feel anything different until I saw it had a baby it was carrying. The baby looked at me and felt this strong love coming from it. I looked at her and I felt like she loved me already. It felt like we were best friends, even though she'd just met me. I remember identifying the animals to myself as raccoons, though they looked nothing really like that. 

Anyway, I found out this nice lady owned them, and I asked her if they were her pets. I could tell she was offended. Then I asked if she was planning on returning them to the wild. She said she didn't know. Then I ended up having to save them, and I was by myself. I saved them and they were in some kind of forest, and I remember seeing them, and to my surprise and delight, the "Babies" who were now older, remembered me , and were very happy to see me. I remember seeing that the mother had had another baby and, greeting that new baby. The mother liked me too, but somehow she had faded into the background from the first time I had met her in my dream. Also, I had loved the babies, and the mom, from the moment I had seen them.


Thanks for listening.
September 9, 2000|

|Hi Katie,

Animals in general represent some aspect of yourself, especially your instinctual and biological nature. It is said that both mothers AND fathers who are expecting the birth of their child often has dreams about animals. Since your dream focuses on this baby that the animal is carrying, it seems to suggest your deep sense of motherhood. You immediately feel this strong bond for the baby animal.

The baby animal thus symbolize something or someone you hold close to your heart, but have to let them go and set them free in the end. Your dream is trying to give you some reassurance. Even after you set the baby free, it will not forget you. You have to let them go and allow them to grow. Consider what this baby animal can represent in your life.

Best Regards,
Steve bathroomdream4|Filthy Stalls| Hello. I have this dream that I'll be needing to go to the bathroom, so I'm looking for a toilet. I'll go into a bathroom with a lot of stalls and every one I go into is dirty with poop, puke or it is overflowing. 

This dream is very gross and I hate having it. I just recently had this dream and remembered I've had it before a couple of times. Is there any interpretation in this dream. If so thanks for helping!! 

Jennifer F.
February 23, 2001

I have a setting that continues to reoccur in my dreams. The dream itself changes, but the setting is always a large, public restroom. When I go into one of the stalls, I notice that the toilet is very dirty, so I keep trying to find a stall with a clean toilet, but I never do. I have to end up using a toilet that is dirty. Also, the restroom is very large-- 30+ stalls, and very busy. The doors on the stalls are short and do not lock or close well.

Brady C.
September 25, 2001|

|Both Jennifer's and Brady's dreams of needing to go to the bathroom, suggests that they need to let go of some relationship that has ran its course.

The notion that they dream of bathroom stalls, which are often found in public, further indicate that they are concerned about how others might feel and how others will perceive and judge them. They are feeling ashamed and fear that the situation might get messy should they make their feelings known. They don't want to cause trouble and as a result keep things inside. 

Their emotions have been pent up for too long and hence the dreams recur until they are released or acknowledged. 

-Amy bridgedream1|God Is Dead| Hello, my name is Melissa and I need help on something. I had a dream a few nights ago. I was in the car with my mom, dad, memere, and my pepere. Now we were just crossing a bridge when my pepere said, "God's dead, he just died". And I was getting confused about what it meant. I was wondering if you could tell me what it meant. Please help.

Thank You,
September 25, 2000|

|Hi Melissa,

A significant moment in your dream occurs when you cross the bridge. At that particular point is when your pepere says "God's Dead", it parallels a transitional phase that you are going through in your life as indicated by the crossing of the bridge. It also suggests a decision that you need to make or choose. You are leaving behind something and heading forward toward something else. Thus, when your pepere says that God has just died, it signifies the past . It may also imply some regret and remorse of what you left behind.

Dreams are more about your feelings than about the content themselves. You had expressed some confusion about what your pepere says. I think your dream seeks to bring this confusion onto the surface so you can confront it. What are you really confused about in your waking life that you do not want to admit?

I hope I have offered some starting points from where you can begin to understand your dream. If you remembered any more details of your dream, please feel free to email me.

Best Regards,
Steve hairdream1|Washing Hair|Hair is listed in the dictionary, but the thing I'm trying to figure out is: I wake up and hurry to wash my hair. As soon as I get it wet, Ii wish that I hadn't done that, because now I have to curl and style it all over again. What's this?!

Wet Head.
August 29, 2000|


Your dream seems to suggest that you may be tired of the normal routines of getting ready. As noted in the dream dictionary, styling your hair signifies some concern over your self-image and appearance. You seem to be at a time where your appearance is not a major concern. Another interpretation of this dream is that you feel there are not enough hours in a day. You put others ahead of your own needs and don't have enough time for yourself!

Best Regards,
Steve relationshipdream5|Breaking Up|Hi,

Please interpret this dream. I dreamt my boyfriend and I broke our relationship. Can't remember all the details just that we broke up. What does this mean?

Thank You, 
Holly F.
May 12, 2002|

|Hi Holly,

Dreaming that you broke up with your boyfriend signifies that there is some component of your relationship that needs to be addressed and dealt with. The break-up may be symbolic in that you are breaking away from some situation or old habit.

Best Regards,
Steve pregnantdream1|Pregnant Mother|My name is Kristin and I am 15 years old. For about a month I have been having disturbing dreams that leave me speechless. When I awoke, the two dreams that stick out the most are:

My mother was pregnant with her third child (I am one of two children; I have one younger brother who is 7). All I remember and felt was such rage and anger. I wouldn't stop yelling at her.

Another is that I was out with some friends in a department store and for some odd reason my 7 year old brother was with me. I lost him; I couldn't find him anywhere. The last thing I remember was that I was crying and asking people if they had seen a little boy.

If you could help me that would be great, because I am having extreme issues with these two subjects, or at least why I would dream them. 

Thank You
July 24, 2000|

|Dear Kristin,

Pregnancy dreams often symbolize spiritual or psychological growth. It represents a transitional phase in your life that is in the process of growing and developing. Even though it is your mother who is pregnant in the dream, it actually represents an aspect of your own self. You see characteristics of your mother in you. Being 15 can be a transitional stage in one's life. You may be looking at it as one more year before you get you driver's license. You may also be be allowed to date now and explore those areas of relationships for the first time. You are moving closer towards adulthood. In some cultures, 15 year old girls are given a special ceremony, known as a Quinceañera. It is a "coming of age" celebration and beckons their transition into womanhood. 

At the same time that you are going through this transitional phase in your life, news that your mother is pregnant may be a burden for you as well. Obviously you are angry and enraged upon finding out the news. The reason for this anger may be represented in your second dream where you dreamt that you had lost your brother. This may symbolize the overwhelming responsibility you already have in taking care and baby sitting your 7 year old brother. You fear that actions of your mother may interfere will your plans and goals.

Best Regards,
Jade pregnantdream2|Birth To Twins|Hello. I had a dream last night that scared my a little. I dreamt that I was pregnant with twins. Then later in the dream, I gave birth to them. One a girl and the other a boy. I'm a virgin now, but I'm planning to lose my virginity with my boyfriend in February. We talk about it a lot, like everyday. What does my dream mean? Please Help

Thanks so much.
January 4, 2002|


Giving birth to twins represents the battle between the opposites of your psyche in order to become whole. Your dream may occur as a result of the inner conflict you are experiencing. It is doubtful that your dream means that you are having fears of getting pregnant.

The notion that the twins are fraternal symbolizes the union between the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. This may also refer to the physical union between you and your boyfriend.

Best Regards,
Steve spiderdream1|Noisy Spider|I dreamt the other day, in fact woke up shaken by the sight of a huge spider. It jumped out of it's big web and made a sound I can still hear, like a cat who is mad.

The spider was very large. It didn't bite me, but just scared me and returned to its place. I woke up scared. 

Have any ideas? Thanks and Happy New Year.
January 5, 2002|

|Hi Maria,

The image of the spider represents your feminine power and conflict with some female in your waking life. This spider is trying desperately to get your attention.

Spiders don't make any noise in real life, but the notion that it makes a sound like a cat (another symbol of femininity and feminine power) further highlights the significance of the spider and your need to confront some issue that you are avoiding or afraid of. As mentioned, this spider is symbolically of some strong female in your life, perhaps your mother or some female authority figure.

Best Regards,

|Maria's Reply:Thank you Steve. It is true that my Mom who lives with me, takes a lot of my time. 

Maria housedream1|Haunted House|I remember a while back, I was in a haunted house with Laverne & Shirley. I was being chased by a vampire. I remember running down this big hall lined with plastic and jumping out of a two-story window. When I jumped out of the window, I hit the ground and leaped over a fence. By no means am I afraid of vampires. but I am afraid of haunted houses. The house is still so clear to me. It was big, gray with black shutters and a red door. It was sooo creepy!!!

Kelli C.
Age 16
October 2, 2001|

|Hi Kelli,

Haunted house in dreams signifies repressed memories and unacknowledged feelings. The gray color and black shutters of the house all lend to the mysteriousness and dreariness of the house. The red door is significant for the color red symbolizes life energy (blood), fiery passion, and anger. The door is one of the livelier aspects of the house. Your eye is immediately drawn to the door, inviting you to come in. Your dream seems to suggest that you need to pay more attention to these repressed feelings.

Vampires also represents life energy. After all, they thrive on the blood of humans. Additionally, they signify aggression and lust. Vampires themselves are mysterious and denote unacknowledged parts of your mind. You said it yourself that you are not afraid of the vampire, but fearful of the haunted house. Houses in dreams represent the Self. In particular, haunted houses mean the rejected or repressed parts of the Self. What you are afraid of may be confronting these aspects of yourself. The Vampire may function as the guard of the house who prevents you from exploring it.

Little is mention of Laverne and Shirley other than they were in the haunted house. Were they being chased as well? Why are they in the haunted house? Could they represent somebody from the past who you want to forget? Let's not forget that Laverne and Shirley are sitcom characters who make us laugh. Their appearance in your dream may be an attempt to lighten the mood of your creepy dream.

Best Regards,
Steve housedream2|Living Room|I was in the living room of a house when my brother was chasing me with a knife. I tried to get out through the front door but it was blocked by a refrigerator. So I tried to get out through the window by breaking it. I did break the window only to find another window under the first one I had just broke. Then I awoke

February 23, 2001|


According to your dream, there seems to be some communication problems between you and your brother. The living room is representative of your perception and how you see yourself. However, the way you view your own self may differ from how others see you. The notion that the front door is blocked by a refrigerator indicates that you do not really want to know what people think of you and you do not particular care what others have to say. You have adapted an emotionless facade and a cold attitude. The window is another attempt in which you are trying to see something from someone else's point of view. But your attempt appears to be in vain.

Best Regards,
Steve spacedream2|End Of The World|Hello. I had a dream the other day about the end of the world. See I was in a spaceship with these two people. They pushed a button and everything on the earth was destroyed except us and these people I use to sell magazines with and my boyfriend. When we got out of the space ship we were in Michigan at the Great Lakes. We went in a hotel and this room had a chair nailed three feet high to the wall, and my friend was sitting up there talking to me like it was normal. I went outside and me and my boyfriend we going to look at this house that was on a dock in the great lake. We were going to buy in from the two people who blew up the world. Then I awoke. Do you know what that means?

October 8, 2000|

|Hi Somer,

Let's break down the various symbols in your dream.

The "end of the world" scenario in your dream implies a sense of powerlessness. You may be feeling helpless and just want an easy escape from your daily responsibilities.

You indicated that you, your boyfriend and your friends survived the annihilation of the earth. These people symbolize your support system.

The spaceship in your dream signifies your spiritual journey into your subconscious and the unknown. And the notion that the spaceship lands at the Great Lakes is no coincidence. The Great Lakes, being bodies of water, symbolizes the subconscious and unknown. It is also ironic that after having destroyed the world you find yourself at the Great Lakes because water happens to be a natural analogy for the flow of life energy and fertility.

Interpretation: Although you are expressing some helplessness in the beginning of your dream, you still have the will to live life to the fullest. Things may look bleak at the present time, but tomorrow is a new day. With the support of friends and loved ones, you will find that your problems are conquerable. Your dream is telling you to take a new perspective on how you see things. When you were at the hotel and there was a chair nailed three feet high from the ground, that was a literal interpretation of how you need to look at things from a different viewpoint.

Best Regards,
Steve spacedream1|Spaceship In The Old West|I had a dream that I was in a small church with a friend of mine and when the preacher started, we laughed so hard that we had to run outside. Outside was like an old west kind of theme. There were dirt roads and hitching posts, you know. My friend went to his car (only it was a spaceship) and he got in and was digging around for something. I looked in and saw a whole lot of small boxes. He picked one out and opened it and gave me the contents and said, " This was meant for you". I looked in my hand and it was one of those paper weights with snow that you shake. There was a little cartoon looking Halloween scene with a cat, witch, broom, pumpkin, and a wood fence with an old oak tree behind it. 

I remember this dream extremely well and can still see it replay in my head, but I don't know what it means.

August 3, 2000|


Your dream suggests that you are going through some spiritual journey as implied by the church and spaceship symbols. This journey may have something to do with your past. In your dream account, you described that when you walk out of the church, you found yourself in the scene of the old west. The old west can be representative of the past and your dream may be expressing your need to confront this past. Your friend in the dream serves as your dream helper who is trying guide you. He is digging through some boxes - boxes which represent aspects of yourself and things that you have kept hidden and tucked away. It seems that you are letting your friend in and are willing to share things with him. The general message of this dream is that in order to move forth toward the future, you have to face the past.

Best Regards,
Steve firedream1|Line Of Fire|Hello found your site while in search for possible meaning to my dream that awoke me with such a startle ......I dreamt that a line of fire ignited on the floor...and it woke me with a jar....I feel frighten please help if possible....

Thank you, 
July 19, 2000|

|Dear Susan,

Fire has many meanings which can be positive or negative. On the positive side, fire represents passion, transformation, illumination. or purification. On a negative side, fire symbolizes rage, anger, destruction, and pain. Since you indicated that you felt startled and frightened about the dream, then it suggests that the fire symbol had negative connotations for you. You may be feeling an aspect of your life that is out of control and it is "burning" for your attention. This may be the need for you to confront some difficult emotions or a warning that your temper is getting out of hand. The dream seems to be telling you that if this situation, if not dealt with immediately, it may engulf you in flames.

The jarring sensation you felt when you suddenly awoke from this dream may be your body's physiological response to potential danger. Our body has an instinctual, natural and involuntary way of responding to threats in the environment. Also known as "fight or flight", this is the mechanism that awakens and quickly alerts us in response to possible threats in the environment. When you saw the fire in you dream, you may have really believed that there was a fire burning your house down. And thus your body jars you awake so that you are ready to flee the scene.

Best Regards,
Jade firedream2|Smell Of Fire|I had a dream last night that I need help with. If you could tell me the meaning, it would mean a lot to me. Here it is: :)

Well, I smelled fire late at about 3 or 4 am. I woke up and went outside for a minute and all my neighbors were standing outside of their houses looking around, because they probably smelled it too. I was tired and had school so I went back inside and fell asleep. 

About an hour or so later I woke up again and walked into the kitchen. There was something on the stove burning (I think it was a pan of popcorn or something) and there were huge flames coming from it. Once I saw the flames I froze. I knew I was supposed to run and get out of the room, but my feet seemed like they weighed a ton and I could hardly move. I was taking like one step every 10 or 15 seconds and I started choking. I doubled over on the floor and then I woke up.

November 21, 2000|


It is worth noting that most dream occurs in the REM stage of sleep. In this stage our muscles are actually really paralyzed. We are physically unable to act out our dreams. In your dream, you had perceived a threat. Our natural instincts tell us to flee. In fact, even in the dream state when the brain perceives real danger, it sends commands to the body for it to move. But in the REM stage, the signals for movement gets intercepted. Your legs may feel like lead as you try to run. Thus your inability to run reflects the natural/biological state of your body during REM.

In your case, fire is representative of your emotions which are overwhelming at times. When you woke up the first time from the smell of fire, you didn't really feel threatened. Moreover, you ignored it and went right back to bed. This suggests that you may be neglecting your own feelings and are putting other things (like schoolwork, other people, etc.) ahead of your own well-being and feelings. Thus the second half of your dream seeks to get your full attention. The flames are burning out of control as to parallel a situation that can no longer be avoided and ignored.

Sometimes dreams are literal metaphors. Your dream can be translated as feeling emotionally paralyzed. You are too busy tending to others that you do not have a chance to express and acknowledge your own feelings.

Best Regards,
Steve insectdream1|Devil In Disguise?|I have recently had two dreams night after night where the devil came to me in an insect form. The first dream was a praying mantis and the second dream was a mostly red and black (with a little white) spider. Both times I would wake up out of my dreams afraid and panicking. 

In my first dream, I was sitting on this couch and two praying mantises were crawling up a coffee table, across the top and then back down the other side. They turned around after I moved my legs up to the coffee table to rest. One crawled back up the table while the other crawled on the floor towards me. I reached down to the one on the floor and squeezed it to death with my right hand. The bizarre thing is that I swear I felt something pop in my hand when it popped in my dream at the exact same time. The other praying mantis just sat there and watched me kill it. Both of the insects where black with blue eyes.

My second dream there was this spider that was flying around the room in a counterclockwise circle. It was mostly red with a little more black than white on it. It looked like the devil too. After circling the room three times, it finally landed on me and I woke up in a panic. I was afraid of what I don't know. I'm also deathly afraid of spiders.

Please help me find out what this means. All yours.

Good luck,
September 28, 2000|

|Hi Danielle,

It is interesting how you draw the conclusion that the two insects in your dreams are the devil in disguise. Interestingly enough, both insects share the common theme of feminine power. The female praying mantis eats the male after mating. The mostly red spider as you described sounds like the red widow spider which is characterized by brightly colored red legs and abdomen, with black and white markings. Like the praying mantis, the female widow spider has the reputation of devouring its mate. Both these insects exhibit feminine power and domination over males. With this in mind, your dream may suggest some issues you are having with power and with men.

Best Regards,
Steve radiodream1|Radio Message|I had a dream recently about my sister dying in a car accident. There were a lot of details which scared me. I was sitting in traffic on the highway coming home from work. It was a very warm sunny day. I was listening to the radio when I heard my mother's voice telling me that my sister had been in an accident. A truck had hit her car from behind and somehow it killed her. I remember I was sitting in my car still in traffic crying very hard saying "why did you leave me? I need you right now". I just kept saying that over and over calling her name. What does this mean?

March 2, 2001|

|Hi Jen,

The message that you hear through the radio may be the most significant aspect of the dream. The message refers to a situation which you need to "tune in" and pay closer attention to it. Hearing your mother's voice is a way to get you to perk up your ears and take notice. The message she is trying to convey is really a disguised message from the deepest layers of your OWN psyche. It is also worth noting that such messages often come at a time of decisive psychological moments. Consider what psychological issues or distress may be going on in your waking life which may trigger such a disturbing message of your sister's death. Are you feeling some regrets or guilt with regards to your sister? Perhaps those aspects/qualities of your sister that you admire are no longer existent in you.

Best Regards,
Steve roachdream1|Crawling Cockroaches|Dear Sir/Madam

Hello my name is Michelle and I came across your site which I found to be rather interesting. I was wondering if you could give me some insight into my dream. For a couple of nights now I have been having a recurring dream. I keep seeing a line of cockroaches crawling on the floor and I kill them. What exactly does this means?

Thanx Much, 
November 18, 2001|

|Hi Michelle,

Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We are glad that you found the site interesting.

From our dream dictionary, you will read that cockroaches implies a need for renewal and self-cleansing of your emotional and psychological being. These cockroaches suggest much negativity around you which undoubtedly effects various aspects of your daily life. I suspect that these dreams reoccur because you have not yet begin to deal with the process of self-renewal. You can start by having a new and positive outlook Keep an optimistic frame of mind.

Best Regards,
Steve weddingdream1|Black Wedding|Hi! A while ago, I dreamt that I was getting married. Everything seemed to be normal at the wedding, until I looked at a picture that someone had taken. My gown was black, as were my bridesmaids. The whole male wedding party was also wearing nothing but black! I'm only 14 years old, don't have a boyfriend, and definitely DON'T want to be married. Can you tell me what this means?


May 25, 2001|

|Hi Caitlin,

Your wedding dream is definitely to be taken symbolically and not to be taken literally. Dreams about weddings are usually about making a symbolic union between you and some hidden aspect of your own self. It indicates a level of acceptance of that part of your self.

You said that everything appeared to be normal during the wedding. And it wasn't until you saw a picture that you realized that you were in a black gown. This seems to indicate that upon hindsight, what you thought was a good and positive thing was really a bad/negative idea? Does this notion parallel some aspect of your waking life? Perhaps you had recently found out what something that was contrary to what you initially thought. Consider also how you may be rejecting an idea which you accepted at first.

Best Regards,

|Caitlin's Response:

Thanks! This helped me a lot....glad to know that I'm not doomed to be a vampire bride!

-Caitlin warehousedream1|Pitch Black Warehouse|I had this dream  that is bothering me. I'm floating around looking down at some trees. The trees are very green and probably the most vivid color I've ever seen in a dream. All of a sudden I see a greyish-blue warehouse. 

I float down and go inside it. As soon as I'm inside I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm looking for something. However it's pitch black and I can't see anything. I start feeling around but I can't find anything. Then I woke up. 

What does this mean? I'd really like to know.

August 15, 2001|

|Hi Kris,

Floating through the air represents your new perspective on life. The lush vivid green trees are in great contrast to the drab darkness of the warehouse. This imagery may parallel some waking life situation in which on the surface you appear to have a care-free attitude, but below the surface, you harbor some negative emotions or dark secret/memories. The warehouse refer specifically to your memories. Since you are unable to see anything in the warehouse, they may very well represent repressed childhood memories.

Best Regards,
Steve wardream1|Drafted Into War|I need some help! I dreamt this really strange dream.. And I have no clue what it's supposed to mean!

Two nights ago, after a large fight with my boyfriend, I dreamt that about 300 people from my area, young people (under 21) myself, and my boyfriend were drafted into a war. But it would take a while before we had to go. So they put us in groups and sent us to a four-day training camp. Every group but mine got a cabin. It was really rainy and stuff, and we had to sleep in the mud. And there was a shortage of food. The next morning, we were in firearm training and some guy was "too quick" (what they called him) and he got shot and killed. A bunch of other people died, too. And they sent out lists of like 10 different people. Then we all rode home on buses. I got home and took a shower. What does this mean!?

January 9, 2002|


Thank you for sharing your dream with us.

The preparation of war signifies inner conflict. You are facing confrontations in your waking life. The dream may be trying to tell you that you are being too aggressive or that you need to express your aggression more directly. You are also feeling ambivalent - not sure how to feel or how to react.

The fact that your group did not get a cabin and are forced to rough it out in the elements, indicates that you are feeling extremely vulnerable. In particular, the rain that you are exposed to while sleeping outdoors represents your emotional vulnerability. It can also be a metaphor of unexpressed tears.

The firearm training you went through in your dream represents an eruption of emotion. The guy that was referred to as "too quick" may be a message to you telling you that you may have been too quick to act or speak without fully thinking it through. As a result, you suffer the consequences. Perhaps you said something that you wished you could take back.

Best Regards,

|Kimberly's Response:

That's amazing!! A few days after my dream, I broke up with my boyfriend. That's exactly how it turned out. THANKS SO MUCH for the interpretation!!!!

Kimberly legdream1|Wounded Leg|The other night I had a dream that I couldn't get out of my mind. I was hoping you could help me with it. 

I had a dream that my leg had a really, really bad cut on the back of it. I had stitches in my leg that were very fair apart and barely holding my leg together. It had puss coming out of it and I was telling everyone that I couldn't go to work. I was very disturbed in my sleep, but not really upset about my leg. I also remember in my dream saying that I couldn't believe that a dog could do that much damage to my leg. So I'm guessing a dog did it. The cut was disgusting and it keeps flashing in my mind. Could you please help me out. 

Thank you,
August 23, 2000|

|Hi Laurie,

Generally, the leg relates to the balance in your life and your ability to navigate through life. And to dream that your leg is wounded in some way suggests that you are preoccupied with the path your life is taking. Perhaps it is your career path that you are concerned about. In you dream account, you had mentioned how you couldn't go to work and that a dog had caused this horrific injury to your leg. The dog may symbolize the ruthless nature of the business world. It's a dog eat dog world. You may feel that you are being hindered in the pursuit of your goals. The stitches in your legs signify you willingness and determination to press forward, but the notion that the stitches are far apart and puss is spilling out suggest that other forces in your life are causing you to slow down. And as a result you are barely able to keep up with your goals.

Best Regards,

Laurie's Response:

Thank you for your help. It does explain a little bit about what is going on in my life. I'm in the middle of a hard, trying relationship, that is pretty much on the outs. Because of what I'm going through, I have had a hard time at my job, and not working to the best of my ability. Thank you for taking the time to explain the dream to me.

Laurie  legdream2|Amputation|I had a dream that my lower leg was injured (I'm not sure how), but it was a bad enough injury that it had to be amputated. I remember my lower leg being gone and not being upset. The next thing I remember is that I was getting a prosthetic leg. I felt very comfortable... never upset or sad. I thought my "new" leg was "cool" and I was proud. I could run, dance, and lead a normal life.

Thank you.
Cynthia K.
September 27, 2001|

|Hi Cynthia,

Your dream about amputation of your leg, indicates that you have taken on a totally new approach to life. You have abandoned and discarded your former ways of thinking and doing things. Perhaps with your "old" leg, you were unable to stand up for yourself and do the things you wanted to do. With your prosthetic leg, you seem to be more freer. This dream is a metaphor for what is going on in your waking life and the changes you are making. You have an increased level of self-confidence and greater independence.

Best Regards,

|Cynthia's Response:

Thank you for your interpretation. About a year ago I started making major changes in my life, and recently I have had chances to put the changes in action. This just reaffirms the path my life is taking. Thanks again and I will be visiting you again.

Cynthia murderdream1|Premonition Of Murder|Someone said that my reoccurring dreams of being murdered was actually premonition of my mothers murder that occurred after my dreams . Do you believe that we are prepared for something that our hearts and minds cannot handle?

July 25, 2000|

|Dear Ann,

I am sorry to hear about your mother.

I strongly doubt that dreaming of a murder is a premonition that such events will occur to you or someone close to you.

It would be helpful if you could elaborate on the details of a specific dream you had. Typically, dreams of murder occur because of repressed anger or resentment towards a particular person. Or you may be angry at yourself. The person being murdered represents an aspect of yourself that you are trying to repress or destroy. For example, if you had dreamt that your mother was murdered, it may be that you see qualities in her that you also see in yourself and it is these qualities that you want to "kill". Thus murder dreams is symbolic for something or characteristics that you want to permanently rid yourself of. Often times, dreams recur because of unresolved feelings that you are not expressing in your waking hours. Your dreams can serve as an outlet in which you can safely confront and express your anger.

Best Regards,
Steve paralyzedream1|Paralyzed!|I've had several dreams in the past of getting in a confrontation with an enemy of mine. This person would end up making me furious and I would try to hit her. When I did it would be like my arms suddenly became heavy and moved in slow motion. This was so frustrating to me and it seemed that I would always wake up before we had any physical contact. What could this mean? I dreamed that scenario several different times (not recently) and it has always left me wondering what that meant. 

June 3, 2001


Sometimes I wake up and cannot move. It is almost as if I am paralyzed. I can not speak either. I read somewhere that this common and associated with dreaming. Is this true? 

July 2, 2001|

|Dreams of being paralyzed are not only common, but reflects the state that you body is in when you are dreaming. The phenomenon is referred to as sleep paralysis, REM paralysis, or sleep immobility. This paralysis occurs to prevent you from actually acting out your dreams.

Although the scenario varies, the theme is the same. You may try to run and find that you cannot move your legs. Or you may try to scream, but nothing comes out. Symbolically, your paralysis may be rooted in your anger and frustration. You may be so angry at someone that you actually try to raise your arm during your sleep, but fail to do so. 

The slow motion imagery in a dream proves also to be a significant component. You need to re-think and justify your actions and determine if your waking situation is being exaggerated. Perhaps you need to find some psychological and emotional middle-ground.

Best Regards,
Steve sportsdream1|Ping Pong|This is the best dream website I have found to date; it is describing just about exactly everything that is going on in my life right now. Thank You!!

One thing I could not find, can you help me? I was playing ping-pong with my husband (whom I dearly love) and I could not hit the ball right nor hold the paddle right. He was (or someone was) showing me how to hold it properly (the paddle) but could not. I did play ping-pong last December after many years, with my hubby on vacation and it was fun. But, anyway, what did THIS mean?

Heni S.
April 10, 2001|

|Hi Heni,

Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Glad you enjoy our website. We appreciate your kind compliments.

Your inability to hit the ping pong ball in your dream implies missed opportunities or chances you took in which you thought fell short of what your goals were. Alternatively, you mentioned how much fun you had playing ping pong before. Your association with ping pong is thus tied to that carefree and relaxing vacation. Perhaps your dream is telling you that you need another vacation. You are literally out of sync and out of whack and need to unwind.

Best Regards,
Steve stairsdream1|Up The Staircase|Hi,

I keep having dreams about different things and in different places but in most of them an old wooden, but strong staircase keeps turning up.

There has been a variety of me running up it or little girls in nightgowns running up it. In some of the dreams there is a door at the top, in others in window. Usually I can reach the door but it is locked. By the time I get to the window the dream has changed to a different 'scene'.

I would appreciate your opinion if possible.

Thank you,
April 30, 2001|

|Hi Kelly,

Going up a staircase is generally a positive symbol of achievement, ambition, and pursuit of your goals. It may also parallel your ascent up the social ladder.

However, the notion that  you are running up the stairs indicate that you are in a rush to succeed. You may be too quick to reap the benefits of your success. After all, you find that the door is still closed when you reach the top. The closed door suggests that you are not ready or ill-prepared or lack self-confidence.

The little girls running up the stairs also depict your premature claim to success. Slow down.

You also mentioned how the scene through the window changes when you get to the top. The dream is definitely trying to tell you that you need to gain a new perspective or a different approach in how you are going about things.

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,

|Kelly's Response:

Thank you very much for your interpretation. It does make a lot of sense with regards to how my life is.

Thanks again.
Kelly deathdream1|Grandmother's Death|Every night I have a dream about being in my grandparents home. Sometimes they are there, sometimes other family members are there, and sometimes I am alone. I haven't been in the house for about 8 years and they have been gone for 10 years. I just lost my last grandmother a month ago and I'm 6 months pregnant with my 4th child. I would appreciate any help you could give me to understand the meaning of these constant dreams. 

Thank You
August 9, 2000|


First of all, congratulations on the coming birth of your 4th child!

It is very normal for people to dream about a relative or family member who has recently passed away. In your particular case, it seems that you already have a lot to deal with in your waking life. Having your 4th child and running around tending to the needs of your other 3 children is quite a bit to handle. You may not have even had time to stop and grieve or reflect back to the full life your grandmother had. Thus, your dreams of being in your grandparent's house may serve as a way in dealing with the loss and a way for you to relive the memories you had with your grandmother. With how busy your life is, your dreams are the only means in which your mind can psychologically find some closure.

Research shows that women who are pregnant have extremely vivid dreams. And their dreams always center or concentrate around specific themes, Such themes include mothers/grandmothers being a prominent dream character or frequent dreams about various bodies of water.

Best Regards,
Amy telephonedream1|Can't Make Phone Call|Happy New Year! My name is Indira and I am 30yrs old.

About a week or two ago, almost every night, I would have theses recurring theme dreams: the theme was the telephone (my cell phone, a public pay phone, etc.)  

In my first dream I was walking in my neighborhood, away from the grocery store and I was trying to call my boyfriend from my cellular. Even though I have his number in memory, every time I would dial, the call would redirect to someone else. After about 5 or 6 tries, I gave up. As I am walking, I see a pile of feces (sorry). It was still steaming and almost at the same time my phone rang and it was him asking me if I was trying to contact him.

My second dream, I was in a hair salon with my hair wrapped in something and asking the woman at the register if she sold a specific hair treatment to which see said, yes. I then went to sit down and saw a pay phone. I tried to use the phone and a man said not to use it cause it was broken. I then noticed I had a handful of pennies and a quarter to make this call. I tried to use the phone which was an older type public phone with a rotary in the center. I took my quarter. I began to freak out because I couldn't make my call. After a while I walked outside and there he was in a tow truck picking me up. Weird since I hadn't told him where I was.

Can you please help me interpret these?

Thank you.
January 18, 2001|

|Hi Indira,

In dreams, the telephone reflects the connection you have with a situation or relationship. Your difficulties in getting a hold of your boyfriend is telling of some communication problems that you may be having with him in your waking relationship. Sometimes you feel that your boyfriend is unreachable or that he is not always there for you. I wonder if these recurring dreams stem from low self-esteem. The feces you come upon in your path suggests feelings of unworthiness and aspects of yourself that you believe are undesirable. At that same instance, your boyfriend calls you as if to offer his reassurance. When your boyfriend pulls up in the tow truck in your second dream, it indicates your dependency on him.

Although, you may have difficulties in communicating verbally, you two seem to connect on a deeper level. The telephone is also symbolic of a telepathic message or spiritual communication. In both your dream accounts, your boyfriend seemed to have known that you were trying to contact him. Deep inside you know your boyfriend will be there for you in your time of need, but sometimes you need that physical reassurance.

Best Regards,
Steve televisiondream1|Roswell|Hi.  When I awake from a dream I feel real disappointed because the dream ended. 

My dreams always have me in one of my TV shows that I love, like Roswell. I am always there with my magic and helping people and their difficulties. Still there's always love. Friendship-love nothing and a little more, but nothing really heavy, just romantic. There used to be a guy who came in my dream whenever I was sad. He carried three roses with him. One red, one white and one pink. He always made everything okay. I never understood any of these dreams. Maybe you can help. 

October 30, 2000|

|Hi Honey,

Dreams can serve as an escape from your waking life. I must admit that I have never watched the show Roswell, but generally speaking, television shows are another form of escape from reality. And in particular with Roswell, a show about alien teens (correct me if I am wrong), further suggests your retreat into a fantasy world. Your dreams indicates that you are idealistic and optimistic. You like to look at the positive side of things. Your dreams may be in contrast to the situations you are faced with in your waking life. And thus they may serve as a reminder about the importance of love (red rose), friendship (pink rose), and peace (white rose).

Best Regards,
Steve televisiondream2|TV Dream|Hi. I have been dreaming that I am in a TV show (sitcom). I had two dreams that were dealing with the same show, and one that was with a different show. Can you tell me what the interpretation is? Thank you!!

February 26, 2001|

|Hi Aimee,

You need to consider the nature of the television sitcom that you dreamt you were in. Which character did you play? You may be feeling the same way as your real-life notions of this character.

On a more general level, your dream may indicate that you are avoiding responsibility for a situation or refusing to acknowledge your role in it. Being in a television show where you are being told what to do and how to act, implies that you are taking a more passive stance and removing all culpability. You may also be attributing responsibility or blame to someone else.

Best Regards,

|Aimee's Response:

Thank you for your response, and it does help me!!  griffondream1|Griffon Attack?|In my dream I am in a house. It is dark inside but feels safe. Outside (the house is on the top of a hill covered in long grass) are children playing. I know that danger is near and try to warn the kids but they cannot hear me. From out of nowhere, a creature swoops down. It has the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle. At this point, I woke up. I never remember my dreams but this one stuck in my head. It isn't recurring, thankfully! I did not see the fate of the children, but I knew they were dead. Please send me a possible meaning!

September 26, 2000|

|Hi Graham,

Thank you for sharing your dream with us.

Houses in dreams represent your physical body and your Self. You mention how you feel safe inside in the dark. This may suggest ignorance - being in the dark about something. Sometimes you like not knowing. After all ignorance is bliss as some might say.

The creature you described as half lion and half eagle is a mystical creature called a griffon. In mythology, this creature heralds change. You seem to be against change. However, the children playing outside serves as a reminder for you to be more carefree and fearless. Children signifies growth and the future. In order to continue to grow and look toward the future, change is not a bad thing.

Best Regards,

Amy lavadream1|Lava|My dream was about Lava that was going to hit our city, yet there was no volcano in sight. Once the lava came in it was sure to burn. However, one lady had the ability to place a circle or square big enough to fit your feet size and if you stood inside it, the lava would go around it. But you had to be special. In my dreams, there were a lot of people, including family members and even my ex-boyfriend. My fear was losing one of my kids, I slightly got burned but scared to death to go through this. At the end my daughter survived, my mom, and I still needed to wait for me, my two sons, and my brother to see if we survive. then I woke up.

Rose S.
August 11, 2000|

|Dear Rose,

Your dream suggests some sort of emotional turmoil occurring in your home life. I get many dreams from people who dreamt about a flood hitting their home and they worry about family members coming out of it okay. Your dream has the same premise except that it is lava that is hitting your town. Lava implies emotions having to do with anger and rage. You mentioned how one lady was special in that she was able to to deflect the lava away from her feet. The way you dubbed this lady as "special" suggests your lack of self-confidence and feeling of inferiority. You don't think you are special or your don't feel special.

Interestingly, you mentioned how your ex-boyfriend was in your dream. Is he still an active participant in your daily life? Would you describe the relationship you have with him as tumultuous and one with many conflicts? You also expressed fear in losing one of your kids and I am wondering if this may stem from feeling that you have to compete for the attention of your kids. Such feelings could explain the issues of inferiority and anger.

Best Regards,

|Caitlin's Response:

Thank you for your response to my dream. Before I tell you what happened the day after I had this dream, let me reassure that my family or I did not see a movie with lava or a volcano. My son had not known that I had this dream. To my surprise, my son, the one that I had the most fear in losing in my dream, had a dream the night after I did about lava. He says there were no family members, just the people that live in our neighborhood. He was getting burned. Now does this have anything to do with my dream, and how do you interpret this dream for him.|

|Steve's Response:

Hello Rose,

Dreams are so fascinating in the way that it works. Such dreams seem to defy explanation and seems to be the work of a divine source. However, I will attempt to say that your son's dream seem to be a continuation of the lava dream you had the night before. In your own dream, you had mentioned how you woke up before finding out if your brother and sons had survive. It seems like you find the answer to that question in your son's dream. Thus your son's dream may serve as a sense of closure.

The human race as diverse as we all are share many common dreams of being chased, of having their teeth fall out, etc.. I would expect that a family unit who have gone through the same experiences together will share even more similar dreams amongst themselves.

Best Regards,
Steve motherdream1|Mother Is Killing Me|I had this dream that my deceased mother was trying to kill me. There was a young boy with me. I told him let's hide in the barn and hide the truck so she can't find us. 

Then I saw a sandy blonde woman and another man, waving at us and that it was ok to come to them. But I was afraid to trust them. Then I woke up.

Please, help. And why have I have been dreaming about this same blonde lady trying to hurt me.

Linda H.
March 30, 2001|

|Hi Linda,

I am sorry to hear of your deceased mother. In dreaming that she was trying to kill you is most likely a metaphorically meaning that an aspect of yourself has died along with her.

Archetypally, a blond woman can represent the appearance of divine wisdom or some spiritual message. From your dream, I did not see any physical reason for your fear of this blond lady. The perception that she wanted to hurt you may be a disguise for other feelings, such as betrayal or anger. Also ask yourself what is the connection with this blonde woman and your mother.

Best Regards,
Steve dogdream2|Dog Feces|I dreamed that I saw feces on the ground; it was from a dog. Is there any meaning to this dream? 

Mary B.
August 7, 2000


In my dream, I had a dog that pooped under my bed.

Yori L.
June 12, 2003|

|Dear Mary,

Feces is symbolic of something that needs to be released. Since you said that it was feces from a dog, then it suggest that what needs to be released has to do with repressed sexual energy. In general, animals represent the uninhibited and sexualized aspects of yourself.

Best Regards,


In Yoori's dream, the sexually repressed energy is further highlighted with the location of the feces underneath the bed.