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chase dreams                 


"I'm Being Chased!"

Chase dreams are one of several common dream themes, stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. Flee and flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. In such dreams, the scenario often features you being pursued by an attacker, an animal, a monster or an unknown figure, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Consequently, you run, you hide or you try to outwit your pursuer. Your actions in the dream parallel how you would respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, your dream indicates that you have a tendency to run away and avoid the issue. Ask yourself who is chasing you, so that you can gain a better understanding and insight on the source of your fears and anxieties.

The pursuer or attacker who is chasing you in your dream may also represent an aspect of yourself. Your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, and possibly love, can manifest itself as the threatening figure. Or the shadowy figure can symbolize the rejected characteristics of your Self. You may be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser. Next time you have a dream of being chased, turn around and confront your pursuer. Ask them why they are chasing you. What are you trying to run from?

If you are the one doing the chasing, then the dream may highlight your drive and ambition to go after something you want. Or perhaps the dream suggests that you are falling behind and having to catch up with everyone else.

Consider the distance or gap between you and your pursuer. This indicates your closeness to the issue. If the pursuer is gaining on you, then it suggests that the problem is not going to go away. The problem will surround you, until you confront and address it. However, if you are able to widen the gap between your pursuer, then you are able to successfully distance yourself from the problem. In essence, the problem is fading away.

A more direct analysis of chase dreams is the fear of being attacked. Such dreams are more common among women than men, who may feel physically vulnerable in the urban environment. These dreams are often brought about by the media, who magnifies fears of violence and sexual assault.




Okay here is my dream:

I am walking down a tarred road. The houses are very, very small and close together. I am with my friend and all of a sudden someone in a car is shooting at us. We know that if we can make it to the house directly on the end of the street we will be safe. We start running. 

All of a sudden, my friend's brother drives by on the street we are on and he sees us. He quickly slams on the brakes and jumps out of the car. He looked really afraid for us. Then he jumps in the truck and drives down to us. We are just about to pull up to the house when Mike (one of my parent's friends) comes out and brings us in. 

The inside of the house is the size of a mansion, even though on the outside it as is small as the other houses. We decide that the only way my friend and I will be safe is to go to Italy with her brothers to college. 

The brother who drove us to Mike's house writes up tickets and information for the four of us. In purple crayon, he writes "Registration" across the top of the paper. He draws a line and writes something else and then draws another line and something else. Underneath there is some writing in pencil. Then in Green crayon, he writes $95.00. After he finishes, he tells me to copy it exactly the way he did. Meanwhile, my friend is watching the news on T.V. I can only write the parts in pencil successfully; I can't get the crayons to work correctly. He does that part for me. 

I go to the window and see the people who were shooting at us looking around for us like crazy. They are in a black convertible. To my right, I look and see a huge ornate entertainment center, but it looks like a church organ. 

We have to leave immediately. We go to a mall to get some things we need. We come up an escalator and see the shooters. We jump over a desk in Barnes & Noble in order to escape. They are now in the store. I don't know if the others have seen them yet. I run from them, but they corner me. One of the men was a midget. 

They take me by gunpoint to a girl standing in the middle of a round table covered with books. She says to me, "Show me the mark." I said nothing. She continues, "If you're part of Black 75, then there will be a mark on your stomach." I raise my voice to a higher pitch.

Suddenly I am wearing a wedding dress with long white gloves. I lift a hand to my face and say, "That's unlady-like. If you bring me to the ladies room, I'll show you." 

I was planning to escape when she took me. "Show me now," she says. "No that's unlady-like," I replied. 

So she takes me, we are going up an escalator alone, I look behind me and suddenly there is a guy their looking really afraid. I said to him, "You love her don't you," he nods, "Don't worry I won't hurt her," I say, "I know how it feels," he smiles, "It's that funny ache in your stomach, " I say as I put my hand over my stomach. He only smiles. I look to his right and see my friend's brother walking free from the people and holding their gun. I look up and now the woman in front of me is wearing a wedding dress. We get off the escalator. Behind me one of the men with guns pushes two girls into a store and pulls down the chains to lock the store. Then leads Mike and my friend and some other person (I don't remember clearly) they are being pushed at gunpoint. I am in front of them, being lead by the woman. I turned around and smiled to reassure them that I had a plan that would work. Then I turned back around toward the woman and held my head high.

November 13, 2000


From your dream it is apparent that you are going through a stressful period in your waking life. You are going through a new stage in your life where you feel unsure of yourself and where you belong. You mention in particular how the houses appear small from the outside. But when you went into one of the houses, you discover that it is the size of a mansion. This imagery symbolizes your undertaking of new roles and developing new strengths. You are expanding and exploring your emotions. Perhaps this is what you are initially really running from.

I am curious to know what your relationship with your friend's brother is. He seems to come to the rescue for you at various times during the dream and you seem to look onto him for reassurance and strength.

Consider also how the characters in your dream are similar to your own self. Put yourself in the place of another character in your dream and try to see the dream from their point of view. You see, all the characters in our dreams are often times just different parts of ourselves.

Towards the conclusion of your dream, you seem to be more self-assured and confident. You walk away with the utmost satisfaction when you realized how much in love the guy was with the girl. Your initial impression of this girl was negative. However, you come to accept her. The surreal image of you wearing a wedding dress symbolizes purity, love, and acceptance. When the girl is suddenly in your wedding dress, it represents a transfer of that love and acceptance. This also symbolizes your approval of the relationship.

Now you will have to ask yourself who these characters in your dream are. Who is this girl? The guy? The people chasing after you? Consider what kind of situation in your waking life invokes these similar feelings as your dreams. Dreams are simply ways for us to confront our emotions in a non-direct way.

Best Regards,



Can't Reach My Boyfriend

Hi, my name is Afreen. I keep having these dreams about being chased. Each night it is a different dream but it has the same general principles.

I'm being chased by someone or by a group of people. And I'm always running towards my boyfriend. In my dream I feel like he is the only one that can protect me from the chasers. However, I can never reach him in my dream. 

Sometimes I'm running away from a jail, sometimes my father (who by the way doesn't even look like my real father), and another time I was running away from one of my friends. These dreams are very disturbing to me, and I want to understand why I can't reach my boyfriend even though I try so hard. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.

Afreen A.
July 21, 2000

Dear Afreen,

Recurring chase dreams often represent avoidance of difficult feelings, emotions or situations. Pay particular attention to what is happening in your waking life when you start having these chase dreams. Is there something that you are not confronting or trying to avoid? Let's take a closer look at what you are running from.

You run from jail. The jail could be symbolic of your home life. You may feel that you are a prisoner of your own home and are trying to escape. A situation or obligation may also make you feel that you are in the confines of a prison.

You run from your father. Your personal associations with your father is important in deciphering this meaning. Typically, the father is the enforcer of the rules of the house and the authoritarian figure. And thus you may be running away from his strictness and authority. Deeper meanings may come into play as you look at your own personal relationship you have with your father.

You run from a friend. Again the personal relationship you have with your friend is important. At the particular time that you had this dream, did something happened between you and this friend? Were there words that were left unsaid?

In all these dreams, you are running to your boyfriend, who is the protector figure. He offers comfort and security. Being with him may give you a sense of being shielded from having to face the difficult feelings you are running from. However, you awaken before you reach him. Though your boyfriend may be wonderful and supportive, he may not be necessarily the answer. Instead of running to him you should turn around and face your problems - face your father or face your friend.

Another perspective on why you may wake up before you reach your boyfriend may have a physiological basis. Our body has a instinctual, natural and involuntary way of responding to threats in the environment. The "fight or flight" comes into play here. This is the mechanism that awakens and quickly alerts us in response to possible threats in the environment. When you dream of being chased, your body may going through involuntary muscle contractions as you really believe that you are being chased and are running as fast as you can. This may cause your body to respond in such a way that it really thinks that it is in danger. So thus causing you to awaken before you can reach your boyfriend.

Best Regards,



Chased By A Spider

I had a dream where I woke up in the middle of the night and then walked up to my attic. There was a huge spider web being spun by a giant spider. It then chased me into a corner. I jumped out the nearest window onto the street and continued to chase me through the streets of downtown Vancouver (at some points I was jumping across the tops of cars to get away from it). I woke up before it caught me.

Chris V.
August 8, 2000

Dear Chris,

Your dream suggest that you are feeling trapped in a current situation or relationship. Do you feel that you are being taken advantage of? You desperately want to get out of this situation, but you are afraid to stand up and confront it. As with the premise for many of the chase dreams, fear and anxiety are the main reasons why you are running away.  

When you dream that you wake up, it means that you have been enlightened or have made some new realizations. These thoughts may be in regards to the situation at hand. It's no coincidence that your dream leads you to the attic. Being located in the upper levels, the attic is often the symbol of your mind and thoughts. Thus this relationship or situation (as represented by the spider) is literally occupying your mind. Is there one thing that you have been thinking about and you can not stop thinking about it or push it out of your mind? Most importantly, ask yourself what or who is masquerading as the spider.

Best Regards,



Crocodile Chase

I have this dream at least once a month and it is set in different places each time. Like one month, it will be in hot nice weather out in the open and the next month, it will be in dark gloomy weather in a swamp. Sometimes I'm chased indoors, in public buildings or in houses. What am I being chased by, you ask? It's either a crocodile or an alligator. I have not been caught by him because I wake up before he has a chance to.

December 10, 2000


As you may be aware of, chase dreams are quite common and often reflect a situation that you are afraid in confronting. The crocodile most likely symbolizes your hidden instincts, repressed anger and destructive feelings. Another way to view this dream may be your feelings toward some situation or perhaps even a relationship in which you feel suffocated or that is eating you up inside.

The varying surroundings and settings that your chase dreams take place is a clue to your state of mind and reflects what you may be really feeling in your waking life. Houses and buildings typically represents the Self. Consider the type of building and condition/part of the house to guide you which aspect of yourself may be neglected or in conflict. For example, the bedroom may indicate a neglected relationship or a relationship in jeopardy. Swamps represents some emotional turmoil and confusion that you may be feeling. Being chased in the wide open field in nice, pleasant weather suggests that you may be feeling happy at the time. But deep inside you still have not deal with some lingering problem/feeling that is continually chasing you even through what appears to be happy carefree times. It's a situation that will not go away and should be confronted.

Best Regards,



Alligator In Ostrich Suit

An alligator dressed as an ostrich was chasing me. It was a totally black surrounding no other colors or anything. Just me and the "thing". It seemed to go on forever. I woke up when I my husband fell out of bed laughing at me for trying to run in the bed.

October 28, 2000


Your dream sounds quite intense! Well chase dreams are quite common and often reflect a situation that you are afraid in confronting. In fact, you are avoiding this issue so much so that you have the threatening alligator dressed up as a docile non-threatening ostrich. Ostrich as a symbol suggest denial and your unwillingness to accept a situation. Ostrich buries its head in the sand. You may prefer to be in the dark about some things. What is under this "ostrich suit" is what you are really running from. The alligator symbolizes your hidden instincts, repressed anger and destructive feelings. The black surroundings of your dream contribute to your unconscious state of mind and not wanting to see the situation.

Consider also how the ostrich and alligator represent components or aspects of your own self. On the surface, as the ostrich, you may be denying that there is anything wrong. This may be how you portray yourself to others. You always put on a happy face and deny that you have any problems. However, the alligator inside of you, indicates otherwise. There is an apparent problem which you are not admitting to and which you are running from.

Best Regards,



Monsters On Bikes

I have this recurring dream of being chased by a gang of monsters on bikes. I know the neighborhood that I am in because I used to live there. I am on foot trying to get away and hiding in places that I know are safe. But they keep finding me. I also know it is Halloween, because I am in costume and so is everyone else. I am screaming for help, but the people around me, and the people whose doorbells I am ringing keep telling me that there is no one after me. They ask me if I want some candy to calm myself down. Then they start taking guns and shooting at me, but they miss. Finally, I can't run anymore, and they catch up to me, and grab me by my nose when I wake up.

Thank you!
October 1, 2000

Hi Jessica,

Chase dreams are quite common and often reflect a situation that you are afraid in confronting. Being chased by a gang of monsters sounds quite frightening. You indicated that in your dream it was Halloween. These monsters were probably really people dressed in their own mask and costumes. The scenario of your dream and being that it is Halloween, furthers my belief that you are truly afraid in directly confronting a particular situation. Disguises and costumes protect and shield your real self. Behind a mask, you adapt a new persona and and feel freer in releasing your inhibitions. The costume/mask provides some sort of barrier against your vulnerabilities. It protects you from being hurt.

Another significant aspect of your dream is that the people you turn to for help turns against you. Does this parallel a situation in your waking life where you felt betrayed or that your trust was undermined? Next time you have another chase dream, turn around and confront the chasers. You may be surprised to find that what you are running from is not all that frightening. In doing so, you will even find that your recurring chase dreams will occur less often.

Best Regards,



A Vagrant Is Chasing Me

For the past week, I have been having this dream that I am being chased through a mall by a vagrant. No matter how hard I try to get away from him, I always fall down. As I lie there on the floor, the vagrant starts to urinate on me. Then I wake up. Please help me understand this so I can move on.

Thank you!
April 8, 2000

Hi Karrah,

The vagrant in your dream is someone whom you feel either disgust and are trying to reject from your life. There is definitely some strong hostile feeling towards this person. You may also consider the vagrant character as some aspect of your own personality. Perhaps you are feeling angry at yourself.

The image of the vagrant urinating on you is a literal pun of the phrase "pissing on someone". Again this points to some sort of hostility and pent-up anger which you have not confronted. In fact, you are running away from it and refusing to deal with the issue.

Best Regards,



Bear In A Field

I only remember parts of this one.

I am in a field. It is peaceful and green and I can see trees off in the distance. All of the sudden, there is a brown bear and I run. He is close behind me and I hop over a barbed wire fence and run for the trees. Then I am suddenly at some meeting in a shopping mall that has pink stucco walls.

February 10, 2001

Hi Carolyn,

Chase dreams are quite common and often reflect a situation that you are afraid in confronting. The bear is symbolic of introspection and self-reflection. In mythology, it also refers to the great mother figure.

The green fields indicates your hopes and your unlimited potential for growth. The fence is obviously an obstacle that you overcome and is a reflection of your determination and will. I think the bear is chasing you not to attack you, but to push you away. It is no coincidence that you run toward the trees. The trees are significant for they are a symbol of self-development and individuality. Your mother may be pushing you to explore the world on your own and become your own person.

At the end of your dream, you suddenly found yourself in a meeting. The meeting reiterates again how you need to redirect your energies in a more productive manner.

Best Regards,



Godzilla In Kmart

I have had a reoccurring chase dream for over 15 years. I am being chased by Godzilla through a K-Mart store and everywhere I try to hide the blue light goes on. On one occasion it was chasing me near my home on a lake. Please give me an idea of what this means so that I can put it in its proper perspective.

Mary R.
July 10, 2000

Dear Mary,

Chase dreams often stem from anxiety that you are experiencing in your waking life. You are running away and trying to hide from this Godzilla character. Chase dreams may represent your way of coping with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it. The notion that this dream has recurred over a period of 15 years suggests that you may be experiencing some anxiety in your waking life at around the time that these dreams appear.

Now comes to the question of what Godzilla means and represents to you. Do you have any particular associations towards Godzilla, say from childhood or otherwise? On a more broader and general level, Godzilla invokes the image of an oversized beast stomping, flattening, and destroying everything in its path. You may feel that a situation in your waking life is trying to run you over or that you are walking on shaky ground. You may be going through a situation that is out of your control and you do not want to face.

Interestingly, your dream takes place in Kmart - a store where you can buy a wide variety of products from food to household item to clothes to health products . Ask yourself what you wanted to buy at Kmart in the dream. Each time the dream has recurred, you may have gone to buy different things. This is a clue as to what kind of situation you are trying to run from. For example, if you went to buy cleaners or detergent, then it suggests that the situation at hand is a domestic problem. Or if you wanted to buy shampoo or make-up, then this implies that you are running away or not willing to confront a relationship problem.

No matter where you hide or where you run, Godzilla seems to find you. The blue light flashes drawing attention to your hiding place. The blue light may represent your sense of hopelessness in the situation. On the particular occasion that Godzilla was chasing you at your home, suggests that you may have been experiencing a circumstance or problem that was particularly invasive and leading to some sort of strife in your domestic sphere.

In conclusion, this dream may be telling you that it is best to confront your problems instead of trying to avoid them. There is no used in hiding from them because the problem will eventually catch up to you.

Best Regards,





other common dream themes: chase dreams   cheating dreams   death dreams   falling dreams   flying dreams   naked dreams   snake dreams   teeth dreams  test dreams



Chase Dreams Submitted By Our Visitors

Godzilla in Kmart

Can't Reach Boyfriend

Chased By A Spider

Crocodile Chase


Alligator In Ostrich Suit

Monsters On Bikes

Vagrant Is Chasing Me

Bear In A Field


..other dreams from the Dream Bank